Monday, 10 July 2017

Forex Tc

Além de formar pares de moedas, os clientes da Dukascopy também têm a oportunidade de trocar duas commodities de ouro (XAU) e prata (XAG). Alguns podem optar por trocar estas duas commodities com o Dukascopy Bank, enquanto outros podem monitorar metais preciosos como um indicador de risco no mercado. Os jornalistas da Dukascopy TV realizam entrevistas regulares com especialistas do setor para dar aos espectadores diferentes pontos de vista sobre os fatores que influenciam o desempenho passado e futuro das commodities. O programa Indexes and Commodities da Dukascopy TV fornece aos comerciantes atualizações por hora em estatísticas relevantes sobre os preços das commodities, bem como índices europeus e asiáticos dos EUA. O programa, atualizado por hora, fornece dados sobre os metais preciosos, ouro, prata, platina e paládio, bem como os preços do petróleo Brent e Crude Light. RnPalavras-chave: Soja, feijão, soja, sementes oleaginosas, commodities, agricultura, Trump, Donald, presidente, 21, eleições, comércio, demanda, fornecimento, commodities, ouro, petróleo, milho, trigo, farinha, China, nós, Estados Unidos, Brasil , Argentina, Weather, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 2017: Clean Slate For Soybeans Fri, 13 de janeiro, 08:06 O USD é chave para 2017 em todos os mercados de grãos. Tracy DeCarlo, presidente da DeCarley Trading. Palavras-chave: Soja, Feijão, Soja, Sementes oleaginosas, Mercadorias, Agricultura, Trump, Donald, Presidente, 21, Eleições, Comércio, Demanda, Fornecimento, Commodities, Ouro, Petróleo, Milho, Trigo, Refeições, China, Estados Unidos, Brasil , Argentina, Tempo Adicionar à playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: Gás, Energia, Lng, Gás Natural (Indústria) Gás Natural Liquefeito Combustível Propano Emissões de Petróleo Preços de Produtos Futuros Trading Forno Fogão Fossil Fuel Cng Futuros de Gas Natural Análise Técnica Futuros Fxempirecom Forex Trading Natural Preços de gás Preços Commodities Forex Previsão de Forex Burn Burning Flame Stocks Churrasco (Culinária), Explosão, Conversão, Investir, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Rally de preços será curto Lançado Tue, 10 de janeiro, 16:05 A situação dos mercados mundiais de gás e GNL é tal Que o excesso de oferta vai durar alguns anos. Dr. Massimo Di Odoardo, Wood Mackenzie. Palavras-chave: Gás, Energia, Lng, Gás Natural (Indústria) Gás Natural Liquefeito Combustível Propano Emissões de Petróleo Mercadorias Preços Futuras Negociações Forno Fogão Fogão Combustível Fóssil Cng Futuros de gás natural Análise técnica Futuros Fxempirecom Forex Trading Preços do gás natural Mercadorias Forex Previsão Forex Burn Burning Flame Stocks Churrasco (Culinária), Explosão, Conversão, Investir Adicionar à playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: Energia, Mineração, Eletricidade, Combustível fóssil, Meio Ambiente, Mineração de carvão, Poluição, Documentários, Alterações Climáticas, Documentário, Santa, Combustíveis Fósseis, Limpo, Pensilvânia, Notch, Industry, Cave, Presents, Wood, Jobs, Vice News, Vice, Vice Magazine, Estados Unidos, Jornalismo, Feriados, Minas, Entrevistas, Carvão (Indústria), Kentucky, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Carbono, Usinas de energia Burning, Press, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Trump Can not Save Coal Thu, Jan 05, 16:39 A nova questão é que esse impulso evolua para políticas de pró-carvão E eu acho que a resposta é, sim, é goi Ng para. Andy Roberts, Wood Mckenzie Palavras-chave: Energia, Mineração, Electricidade, Combustível Fóssil, Meio Ambiente, Mineração de Carvão, Poluição, Documentários, Alterações Climáticas, Documentário, Santa, Combustíveis Fósseis, Limpo, Pensilvânia, Notch, Indústria, Caverna, Presentes, Madeira, Empregos Vice-Vice, vice-revista, Estados Unidos, jornalismo, feriados, selvagens, minas, entrevistas, carvão (indústria), Kentucky, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Carbon, Power Plants, Burning, Imprensa Adicionar a playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnKeywords : Cobre, Análise, Mercado, Economia, Forex, Trading, Melting Copper, Tito4re, Gold Furnace, Commodity Trading, Market, Day Trading, Economia, América, Estados Unidos da América, Trump, Donald, Donald Trump, nós, eleições Equilíbrio de comércio, Importações, Exportações, Renováveis, Renováveis, Energia, Terra, Clima, Mudança, Global, Aquecimento, Aquecimento Global, Alterações Climáticas, Inovação, Cobre, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Coppers Slow Recovery Tue, Jan 03, 14: 53 2017 para ser um ano melhor para o cobre do que 2016. Paul Be Njamin, Wood Mackenzie. Palavras-chave: Cobre, Análise, Mercado, Economia, Forex, Trading, Melting Copper, Tito4re, Gold Furnace, Commodity Trading, Market, Day Trading, Economia, América, Estados Unidos da América, Trump, Donald, Donald Trump, Us, Elections, Balança de Comércio, Importações, Exportações, Renováveis, Renováveis, Energia, Terra, Clima, Mudança, Global, Aquecimento, Aquecimento Global, Alterações Climáticas, Inovação, Cobre Adicionar a playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalais de palavras: Óleo, Forex, Commodities, Dollar , Gbp, Jpy, Euro, Eurusd, Investimento, Ouro, Commodity Trading, Stock, Mercado, Investimento, Finanças, Investimento, Economia, Futuros, Mercados, Stocks, Análise, Economia, Forex, Crude, Opções, Análise Fundamental, 2016, 2017 Bulls, Bear, Bearish, Bullish, Trump, Donald, Donald Trump, Artigo 50, Brexit, Theresa May, Correlação, Usd, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 é Gold Old News Thu, 22 de dezembro, 10:18 O ouro é um mercado emocional , Não importa o que aconteça em 2017, é provável que vejamos muita ação em ouro. Carley Garner, DeCarley Trading. Palavras-chave: Óleo, Forex, Commodities, Dólar, Gbp, Jpy, Euro, Eurusd, Investimento, Ouro, Mercadorias, Stock, Mercado, Investimento, Finanças, Investimento, Economia, Futuros, Mercados, Stocks, Análise, Economia, Forex, Crude Opções, Análise Fundamental, 2016, 2017, Bulls, Bear, Bearish, Bullish, Trump, Donald, Donald Trump, Artigo 50, Brexit, Theresa May, Correlation, Usd Adicionar a playlist Adicionada a playlist rnPalavras chave: Luana Siegfried, Raymond James, Óleo, Opep, Us, Usd, Us Dollar, Rússia, Produção de Petróleo, Produção de Petróleo, Gelado de Petróleo, Preço por Barril, Mercadorias, Petróleo 2017, Petróleo 2016, Vista do Ano do Petróleo, Moeda de Mercadorias, Gás de xisto, Irã, Arábia Saudita, Gás Líbia, Argélia, Comitê da OPEP, Dukascopy Tv, Dukascopy Bank, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Oil Going To 2017 Tue, Dec 20, 16:41 O mercado de petróleo parece mais brilhante em 2017. Luana Siegfried, Raymond James Palavras-chave: Luana Siegfried, Raymond James, Oil, Opec, Us, Usd, Us Dollar, Rússia, Produção de Petróleo, Produção de Petróleo, Gelado de Petróleo, Preço por Barril, Com , Petróleo 2017, Oil 2016, Oil Year View, Moeda de mercadorias, Gás de xisto, Irã, Arábia Saudita, Gás, Líbia, Argélia, Comissão da OPEP, Dukascopy Tv, Dukascopy Bank Adicionar à lista de reprodução Adicionada a playlist rnPalais de palavras: Coffee, Cafe, Starbucks Bebidas, Cafeína, Espresso, Latte, Grão de Café, Restaurante, Loja, Feijão, Feijão, Portugal, Despertar, Teste de sabor, Filtro de café, Preço, Coffee Bar, Entrevistas, Brasil, EUA, Trump, USD, BRL, Colômbia , Arabica,, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Todos os olhos no tempo Thu, 15 de dezembro, 16:10 Todos os olhos em minha opinião serão sobre a previsão do tempo no Brasil durante os meses de janeiro e fevereiro. Ricardo Santos. Comerciantes Equatoriais Palavras-chave: Café, Café, Starbucks, Bebidas, Cafeína, Espresso, Latte, Grão de Café, Restaurante, Loja, Feijão, Feijão, Portugal, Despertar, Teste de sabor, Filtro de café, Preço, Coffee Bar, Entrevistas, Brasil, USA, Trump, USD, BRL, Colômbia, Arabica, Adicionar à playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: Zinc, Cobre, Níquel, Líder, bruto, Mercado, Química, Finanças, Stock, Mercado, Investimento, Commodities, Commodity Trading, Business, Futures , Análise, Ações, Óleo, Dólar, Moeda, Forex, Derivados, Opções, Economia, Forex Trading, Fx, Análise Técnica, Mercado, Como Comercializar, Aprender a Comércio, Moeda, Mercado Forex, Ação de Preços, Comércio, Stocks, MetalMiner , Lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Qualquer coisa pode parar Zincs Bull Run Tue, 13 de dezembro, 16:38 Há dois riscos principais para o zinco: fornecimento voltado online e um dólar mais forte. Ral de Frutos, MetalMiner. Palavras-chave: Zinco, cobre, níquel, chumbo, bruto, mercado, química, finanças, estoque, mercado, investimento, commodities, comércio de commodities, negócios, futuros, análise, ações, petróleo, dólar, moeda, Forex, Derivados, Opções, Economia Forex Trading, Fx, Análise Técnica, Mercado, Como negociar, Aprender a negociar, Moeda, Mercado Forex, Ação de preços, Comércio, ações, MetalMiner Adicionar a playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: Inverno, Gás, Gás Natural, Reservas de Gás, Petróleo, Perfuração, Vortex Polar, Retiradas de Inverno, Futuros de Gas, Mercados de Gás Americanos, Especialista de Mercado, Armazenamento de Gás, Gás de xisto, Bomba de óleo, Mercadorias, Mudança de Preços, Breanne Dougherty, Societe Generale, Dukascopy Bank, Dukascopy TV, lang: en classtvvideoissue VideoTitle0 O Vortex Polar Causa Grande Retirada Thu, Dec 08, 17:17 O vórtice polar provoca grandes retiradas de gás. Breanne Dougherty, Societe Generale Palavras-chave: Inverno, gás, gás natural, reservas de gás, petróleo, perfuração, vórtice polar, retiradas de inverno, futuros de gás, mercados de gás americanos, especialista em mercado, armazenamento de gás, gás de xisto, bomba de óleo, commodities, mudança de preço Breanne Dougherty, Societe Generale, Dukascopy Bank, Dukascopy TV Adicionar a playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: Cobre, Prata, Ouro, Chumbo, Zinco, Austrália, México, Canadá, Metais preciosos, Descoberta, Troca, Commodities, Recursos, Jochen Staiger, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Suíça, Negócios, Finanças, Dukascopy TV, Commodity TV, lang: em classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Mining Exploration News Thu, Dec 08, 16:03 MAG Silver e Altona Mining tiveram grandes descobertas em suas respectivas propriedades no México e na Austrália. Ambos entregaram ótimos resultados de perfuração e resultados de amostra, bem como novas descobertas que podem levar no futuro a uma vida de mina muito maior para seus futuros ativos de minas, Jochen Staiger, CEO Fundador da Swiss Resource Capital AG. Palavras-chave: Cobre, Prata, Ouro, Chumbo, Zinco, Austrália, México, Canadá, Metais Preciosos, Descoberta, Troca, Mercadorias, Recursos, Jochen Staiger, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Suíça, Negócios, Finanças, Dukascopy TV, Commodity TV Adicionar a Playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalazes de rodagem: Energia, Mineração, Eletricidade, Combustível fóssil, Poluição, Notícias, Trunfo, Política, Us News, Donald, Eleições, Mike Pence, West Virginia, Fox News, On Air, China, Minas de carvão, China Coal Burning Acidente de Minas, Acidente de Mineração de Carvão, Explosão, Austrália, Sydney, Indústria de Carvão, Meio Ambiente, Energia Solar, Energia Limpa, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Carvão devido para Rebound Tue, Dec 06, 10:57 O carvão deve ser recuperado Menos no curto prazo. Stan Bokov, co-fundador da TradingView. Palavras-chave: Energia, mineração, eletricidade, combustível fóssil, poluição, notícias, trunfo, política, notícias de nós, Donald, eleições, Mike Pence, West Virginia, Fox News, no ar, China, mina de carvão, China Coal Burning, Accident, mine Acidente, Acidente de minério de carvão, Explosão, Austrália, Sydney, Indústria do carvão, Meio ambiente, Energia solar, Energia limpa Adicionar à playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: Óleo, Forex, Gasolina, Gás Natural, Análise Técnica, Crude, Petrol, Futures, Refinery, Distillation, Petróleo, Química, Comércio, Aquecimento Global, Mercadorias, Notícias Forex, Alterações Climáticas, Análise de Forex, Energia, Ciência, Stocks, Mercado, Gás, Hidrogênio, Finanças, Carbono, Documentário de Petróleo Bruto, Perfuração de Petróleo, Estratégia de Negociação, Recursos, Petróleo de xisto , Destilação de petróleo bruto, Oil Rig, Testtube, Inventário, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Horários interessantes para petróleo bruto Thu, 01 de dezembro, 16:26 Será um mercado divertido por algumas semanas, Patrick Rooney, Trading Technologies. Palavras-chave: Petróleo, Forex, Gasolina, Gás Natural, Análise Técnica, Crude, Petrol, Futuros, Refinaria, Destilação, Petróleo, Química, Comércio, Aquecimento Global, Mercadorias, Notícias Forex, Mudanças Climáticas, Análise Forex, Energia, Ciência, Mercado, Gás, Hidrogênio, Finanças, Carbono, Documentário de Petróleo Bruto, Perfuração de Petróleo, Estratégia de Negociação, Recursos, Petróleo de xisto, Destilação de petróleo bruto, Plataforma de petróleo, Testtube, Inventário Adicionar à playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: ouro, lingotes, metais preciosos, Prata, Moeda, Padrão de Ouro, Mineração, Reserva Federal, Dívida, Crise, Karat, Cobre, Barras, Lingotes de Ouro, Moedas, Investir, Investir, Economia, Mercado, Colapso Econômico, Bitcoin, Donald Trump, China, Dinheiro, Banco, Agricultura Boom de mercadoria, comprar ouro, dinheiro do ouro, investir em ouro,, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Um ganho de ouro Vivo curto Tue, 29 de novembro, 13:41 Os preços do ouro estão em 11 de janeiro de 2016. Chegando em 2017, onde os preços do ouro estão em movimento Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney Palavras-chave: Gold, Bullion, Precio Metálicos, Prata, Moeda, Padrão de Ouro, Mineração, Reserva Federal, Dívida, Crise, Karat, Cobre, Barras, Lingotes de Ouro, Moedas, Investir, Investir, Economia, Mercado, Colapso Econômico, Bitcoin, Donald Trump, China, Dinheiro, Banco, Agricultura, Boom de mercadoria, Comprar ouro, Dinheiro de ouro, Investir em ouro, Adicionar à playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: Milênio Lítio, Lítio, Birimiano, Austrália, Mali, Argentina, ML, BGS, Troca, Commodities, Recursos, Jochen Staiger , Swiss Resource Capital AG, Suiça, Negócios, Finanças, Televisão Dukascopy, TV de mercadorias, Grupo Chinas Tongdow, Comprar Lítio, Vender Litio, Ações de Produção de Lítio, Memorando de Entendimento, Pastos Grandes, Nevada, Jochen Staiger, Recursos Suiços, Investir na Argentina , Equities, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Lítio na Argentina e Mali Tue, 22 de novembro, 11:24 Lithium Birimian assinado com o grupo Chinas Tongdow, um memorando de entendimento para a retirada e a produção de lítio começa o mais rápido possível. Além disso, o Millennial Lithium foi uma primeira fase de broca em Nevada e também começa na Argentina em seus Pastos Grandes com trabalho de broca para se preparar para um início de produção em 2019, Jochen Staiger, CEO Founder, Swiss Resource Capital AG. Palavras-chave: Milênio Lítio, Lítio, Birimian, Austrália, Mali, Argentina, ML, BGS, Troca, Commodities, Recursos, Jochen Staiger, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Suíça, Negócios, Finanças, Dukascopy TV, Commodity TV, Chinas Tongdow Group, Comprar Lithium, Sell Lithium, Lithium Production Shares, Memorandum Of Understanding, Pastos Grandes, Nevada, Jochen Staiger, Recursos suíços, Invest In Argentina, Equities Adicionar à playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: MetalMiner, Copper, Price, Forecast, Trade, Commodity, Metal Metals, Value, Trump, Donald, Donald Trump, Eleições dos EUA, Infraestrutura, Risco, Volatilidade, Commodities, Impacto, Bull, Urso, Longo, Curto, Posição, Mercado, Forex, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Trump Tem Pouco Impacto No Cobre Thu, 17 de novembro, 15:10 A demanda percebida na China tem sido o principal impulso nos preços do cobre, e não Donald Trump. Stuart Burns, fundador da MetalMiner. Palavras-chave: MetalMiner, Cobre, Preço, Previsão, Comércio, Commodity, Metal, Metais, Valor, Trump, Donald, Donald Trump, Eleições dos EUA, Infraestrutura, Risco, Volatilidade, Commodities, Impacto, Bull, Bear, Long, Short, Position, Market, Forex Adicionar à playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalisas / palavras-chave: Commodity Brief, Commodities, Commodity Trading, Shipping, Outsourcing, Consultoria, Treinamento, RH Maritime, Richard Watts, Genebra, Dukascopy TV, Soja, Soya, Produção de Soja, Soja, Soja, Comprar Soja, Venda de Soja, Molho de Soja, Mercadorias de Soja, Investir na Soja, Feijão, Soja para Alimentos, FM-CG, FMCG, Soja Negra, Molho de Soja, Soy-Commodity, Investir na Soja, Comprar Mercadorias, Logística, Logística de Soja, Soja Trading, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Commodity Brief - Soybean Thu, Nov 17, 13:11 O mundo do comércio de commodities. A série estará focada em diferentes aspectos operacionais do comércio e também destacando commodities particulares e os movimentos de preços e riscos envolvidos, Richard Watts, Diretor Geral da HR Maritime. Palavras-chave: Commodity Brief, Commodities, Commodity Trading, Shipping, Outsourcing, Consultoria, Treinamento, RH Maritime, Richard Watts, Genebra, Dukascopy TV, Soja, Soja, Produção de Soja, Soja, Soja, Comprar Soja, Vender Soja, Molho de Soja, Soja Mercadorias, Logística, Logística de soja, Comércio de soja Adicionar à lista de reprodução Adicionada a playlist rnPalais de login: Motociclos-alvo: Compra, venda de soja, Injeção de soja, feijão, soja para alimentos, FM-CG, FMCG, soja negra, molho de soja, Sulliden, Mining, Capital, Gold, Brasil, Aguia, Endeavor Silver, Silver, Gold Exchange, Commodities, Resources, Jochen Staiger, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Suíça, Negócios, Finanças, Dukascopy TV, Commodity TV, Minerals Mining, Mineral Minines, Sulliden Capital de Mineração, Projeto de Investimento 2017, EBITDA, Investir no Brasil, Estoque Rentável, Dinheiro, Comprar Ouro, Comprar Ouro, Comprar Prata, Vender Prata, Equities, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Notícias Minerais e Minerais Thu, Nov 17, 08: 42 Sulliden Mining Capital detém 16 projetos com 5 investidores-chave Ts em 1 empresa. Os valores das ações da empresa em metade do valor contábil e há dois possíveis cenários de produção. A Endeavor Silver informou números fantásticos do Q3-2016 com EBITDA aumentado em 703 e o dinheiro aumentou em 308, Jochen Staiger, CEO Founder, Swiss Resource Capital AG. Palavras-chave: Sulliden, Mining, Capital, Ouro, Brasil, Aguia, Endeavor Silver, Silver, Gold Exchange, Commodities, Resources, Jochen Staiger, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Suíça, Negócios, Finanças, Dukascopy TV, Commodity TV, Minerals Mining, Mineral Mines, Sulliden Capital de Mineração, Projeto de Investimento 2017, EBITDA, Investir no Brasil, Estoque Rentável, Dinheiro, Comprar Ouro, Comprar Ouro, Comprar Prata, Vender Prata, Acções Adicionar a playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: Commodity Brief, Commodities, Commodity Trading Envio, Outsourcing, Consultoria, Treinamento, RH Maritime, Richard Watts, Genebra, Dukascopy TV, cartas de crédito, carta de crédito, crédito documentário, LC, mercadorias suíças, carta, processo de negociação, LC de visão, hora ou data LC , Dia Bancário, Comércio Internacional Métodos de Pagamento, Pagamentos, Comércio Internacional, Documentos de Expedição, Documentos Logísticos, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Boletim de mercadorias - Carta de Crédito Wed, Nov 16, 15:32 O mundo do comércio de mercadorias. A série estará focada em diferentes aspectos operacionais do comércio e também destacando commodities particulares e os movimentos de preços e riscos envolvidos, Richard Watts, Diretor Geral da HR Maritime. Palavras-chave: Boletim de mercadoria, Mercadorias, Comércio de mercadorias, Envio, Outsourcing, Consultoria, Treinamento, RH Maritime, Richard Watts, Genebra, Dukascopy TV, cartas de crédito, carta de crédito, crédito documentário, LC, Swiss Commodities, Letter, Negotiation Process, A Sight LC, A Time or Date LC, Banking Day, Comércio Internacional Métodos de Pagamento, Pagamentos, Comércio Internacional, Documentos de remessa, Logistic Docs Adicionar à playlist Adicionado à lista de reprodução rnPalavras chave: Caledonia Mining, Klondex Mines, KDX, SMT, CAL, Gold, África, Dividendo, Canadá, EUA, Metais preciosos, Minas, Mercadorias de intercâmbio, Recursos, Jochen Staiger, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Suíça, Negócios, Finanças, Dukascopy TV, Commodity TV, Ganhar Dinheiro, Q3-2016, Mining News, Huge Production , Exchange Resources, Business Today, Top Tips On Commodities, Principais especialistas em produtos básicos, Swiss Commodities, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Mining News Q3-2016 Qua, 16 de novembro, 12:11 Os resultados trimestrais novamente fortes de Caledonia e Sierra Metals sh Oue a colheita depois de um melhor investimento em suas minas e otimização de operações. A Klondex fez um passo importante para se tornar um produtor de ouro de 300 mil onças através da aquisição de 2 minas, Jochen Staiger, CEO Founder, Swiss Resource Capital AG. Palavras-chave: Caledonia Mining, Klondex Mines, KDX, SMT, CAL, Ouro, África, Dividendo, Canadá, EUA, Metais preciosos, Minas, Mercadorias de intercâmbio, Recursos, Jochen Staiger, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Suíça, Negócios, Finanças, Dukascopy TV , Commodity Brief, Commodities, Commodity Trading, Commodity Brief, Commodity Brief, Commodity Brief, Commodity Brief, Commodity, Bread, Commodity, Envio, Outsourcing, Consultoria, Treinamento, RH Marítimo, Richard Watts, Genebra, Dukascopy TV, Suíça, Milho, Milho, Milho Amarelo, Comprar Milho, Comprar Milho, Produtos macios, Campo de Milho, Comer Milho, Maçã Sabrosa, Negócios Agrícolas, Setor Agrícola, Agricultura Européia, Investir na Agricultura, Comprar Estoques, Mercadorias Européias, Milho, lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Brochura de commodities - Milho Tue, 15 de nov, 17:56 O mundo do comércio de commodities. A série estará focada em diferentes aspectos operacionais do comércio e também destacando commodities particulares e os movimentos de preços e riscos envolvidos, Richard Watts, Diretor Geral da HR Maritime. Palavras-chave: Commodity Brief, Commodities, Commodity Trading, Shipping, Outsourcing, Consultoria, Treinamento, RH Maritime, Richard Watts, Genebra, Dukascopy TV, Suíça, Milho, Milho, Milho Amarelo, Comprar Milho, Vender Milho, Soft Commodities, Corn Field Coma Milho, Milho saboroso, Negócios Agrícolas, Setor Agrícola, Agricultura Européia, Investir na Agricultura, Comprar Estoques, Produtos Europeus, Milho Adicionar à lista de reprodução Adicionado aos mercados de playlistnUS será fechado para o dia de Martin Luther King e o primeiro item no A agenda chega um minuto depois da meia-noite, quando o UK Rightmove House Price Index para janeiro é lançado. O Índice vem declinando nos últimos 2 meses e a queda de dezembro foi a mais forte em quase 2 anos. O Índice de Indústria Terciária de NJapanese para novembro chega a meio e meio. O Índice voltou ao crescimento em outubro, compensando parcialmente o declínio do ponto 3 no mês anterior. As ordens preliminares da Machine Machine nJapanese para dezembro estão em 6. As ordens viram um forte crescimento mensal em novembro, enquanto as ordens domésticas e estrangeiras aumentaram. A balança comercial da nEuro Zone para novembro é lançada em 10. O superávit comercial diminuiu em outubro, quando as exportações diminuíram e as importações aumentaram. NAnd Australian Home Loans para novembro estará disponível na meia-noite da meia-noite GMT. O financiamento da habitação diminuiu em outubro, após um forte ganho de 1,5 no mês anterior. Você já assistiu o Calendário Econômico para segunda-feira comigo, Kiays Khalil. Volte para a próxima visão geral dos principais eventos para terça-feira. Adeus., Lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Seg, 16 de janeiro, 06:00 É hora de outro Calendário Econômico Dukascopy. Heres um resumo dos lançamentos de notícias mais importantes agendados para segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro. Os mercados dos EUA estarão fechados para o dia de Martin Luther King, e o primeiro item no cronograma vem a uma meia-noite, quando o UK Rightmove House Price Index for January é lançado. O Índice vem declinando nos últimos 2 meses e a queda de dezembro foi a mais forte em quase 2 anos. O Índice de Indústria Terciária Japonesa para novembro chega às quatro e meia. O Índice voltou ao crescimento em outubro, compensando parcialmente o declínio do ponto 3 no mês anterior. As encomendas de máquinas-ferramentas preliminares japonesas para dezembro estão em 6. As encomendas viram um forte crescimento mensal em novembro, enquanto as ordens domésticas e estrangeiras aumentaram. A balança comercial da Zona Euro para novembro é lançada em 10. O superávit comercial diminuiu em outubro à medida que as exportações diminuíram e as importações aumentaram. E Australian Home Loans para novembro estará disponível no meio da meia-noite GMT. O financiamento da habitação diminuiu em outubro, após um forte ganho de 1,5 no mês anterior. Você esteve assistindo o Calendário Econômico para segunda-feira comigo, Kiays Khalil. Volte para a próxima visão geral dos principais eventos para terça-feira. Adeus. Adicionar à lista de reprodução adicionada à lista de reprodução nBut primeiro, there039s the German Wholesale Price Index for December. O Índice continuou a crescer em novembro, mas a um ritmo mais lento do que o ponto 4, ele é publicado em outubro e setembro. NTodos comunicados de imprensa sobre a economia dos EUA em dezembro estão em 1:30 PM GMT, incluindo as vendas de varejo preliminares de perto. As vendas cresceram menos do que o previsto em novembro, após dois meses de ganhos fortes. NProducer Price Index, por outro lado, surpreendeu o lado positivo em função de um forte crescimento nos preços de alimentos e serviços. NNo entanto, a Confirmação Preliminar do Consumidor da Universidade de Michigan, observada de perto, em janeiro segue em 3. O Índice cresceu muito mais do que o esperado em dezembro, atingindo seu nível mais alto em 11 meses. NEnd US Business Inventários para novembro estará disponível ao mesmo tempo. Os estoques diminuem em outubro pela primeira vez em 8 meses. NI039m Hirofumi Kobayashi e este foi o Calendário Econômico para sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro. Volte para a próxima visão geral dos comunicados de imprensa para segunda-feira. Adeus., Lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Sex, Jan 13, 06:00 Friday traz a última atualização sobre a confiança dos consumidores nos EUA, então fique conosco para descobrir mais. Mas, primeiro, o índice alemão de preços por atacado de dezembro. O Índice continuou a crescer em novembro, mas a um ritmo mais lento do que o ponto 4, ele é publicado em outubro e setembro. Dois lançamentos de notícias sobre a economia dos EUA em dezembro estão em 1:30 PM GMT, incluindo as vendas de varejo preliminares de perto. As vendas cresceram menos do que o previsto em novembro, após dois meses de ganhos fortes. O Índice de Preços ao Produtor, por outro lado, surpreendeu o lado positivo, à luz de um forte crescimento nos preços de alimentos e serviços. Então, a Confirmação Preliminar do Consumidor da Universidade de Michigan, observada de perto, em janeiro segue em 3. O índice cresceu muito mais do que o esperado em dezembro, atingindo seu nível mais alto em 11 meses. E US Business Inventory para novembro estará disponível ao mesmo tempo. Os estoques diminuem em outubro pela primeira vez em 8 meses. Im Hirofumi Kobayashi e este foi o Calendário Econômico para sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro. Volte para a próxima visão geral dos comunicados de imprensa para segunda-feira. Adeus. Adicionar à lista de reprodução Adicionado à lista de reprodução nEuro Zone Industrial Production para novembro estará disponível em 10. A produção tem diminuído nos últimos 2 meses na parte de trás da produção inferior de bens de consumo não duráveis. NEuropean Central Bank lançará a ata de sua reunião de dezembro às 12:30 PM GMT. A reunião trouxe a extensão do programa QE, mas a uma taxa reduzida de compras. O presidente Mario Draghi insistiu que isso não conta como diminutivo. N A atualização semanal observada de perto em US Jobless Claims está fora no meio do passado 1. As reivindicações iniciais caíram 28 mil durante a semana que terminou em 31 de dezembro, enquanto as reivindicações contínuas aumentaram em 16 mil durante a semana que terminou em 24 de dezembro. Índice de preços da habitação nova nCanadian para novembro Está programado ao mesmo tempo. O Índice aumentou a velocidade em outubro, registrando o maior crescimento em 3 meses. O saldo do orçamento federal da NUS para dezembro chega em 7. O déficit orçamentário foi maior do que o previsto em novembro, tendo ficado em 64,6 bilhões há um ano atrás. NAnd Janet Yellen, presidente da Reserva Federal, dará um discurso atento à meia-noite, quando ela aparecerá em uma reunião da prefeitura em Washington DC. NI039m Hirofumi Kobayashi e este foi o Calendário Econômico para quinta-feira. Volte para a próxima visão geral dos comunicados de imprensa para sexta-feira. Adeus., Lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Qui, 12 de janeiro, 06:00 Este é o Calendário Econômico para quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro. Perceba quais comunicados de imprensa poderiam mover os mercados de moeda. A Produção Industrial da Zona Euro para novembro estará disponível em 10. A produção tem vindo a diminuir nos últimos 2 meses na parte de trás da menor produção de bens de consumo não duráveis. O Banco Central Europeu divulgará o atas da sua reunião de dezembro às 12:30 horas GMT. A reunião trouxe a extensão do programa QE, mas a uma taxa reduzida de compras. O presidente Mario Draghi insistiu que isso não conta como diminutivo. A atualização semanal, observada de perto, em US Jobless Claims está fora no meio do passado. As reivindicações iniciais caíram 28 mil durante a semana que terminou em 31 de dezembro, enquanto as reivindicações contínuas aumentaram em 16 mil durante a semana que terminou em 24 de dezembro. Índice canadense de preços de habitação nova para novembro Está programado ao mesmo tempo. O Índice aumentou a velocidade em outubro, registrando o maior crescimento em 3 meses. O saldo do orçamento federal dos EUA para dezembro chega em 7. O déficit orçamentário foi maior do que o previsto em novembro, tendo ficado em 64,6 bilhões há um ano atrás. E a presidente da Reserva Federal, Janet Yellen, dará um discurso atento à meia-noite quando ela aparecerá em uma reunião da prefeitura em Washington DC. Im Hirofumi Kobayashi e este foi o Calendário Econômico para quinta-feira. Volte para a próxima visão geral dos comunicados de imprensa para sexta-feira. Adeus. Adicionar à lista de reprodução Adicionado à lista de reprodução n Uma série de comunicados de imprensa sobre a economia do Reino Unido em novembro estará disponível às 9h30, incluindo a Produção Industrial. A produção está em declínio nos últimos 3 meses, e a maior parte da queda vem da manutenção contínua no setor de mineração. No entanto, dados de outubro também mostraram um declínio na fabricação. NConstruction Output caiu em outubro, enquanto um aumento no novo trabalho foi revertido por uma queda na manutenção e reparo. NAnd Trade Balance diminuiu em outubro, quando as exportações aumentaram e as importações diminuíram. NUK NIESR A estimativa mensal do PIB em dezembro conclui o cronograma em 3. A versão anterior abrangeu os três meses até novembro e mostrou um crescimento constante do ponto 4. NI039m Hirofumi Kobayashi e você já assistiram ao Calendário Econômico para quarta-feira. Nosso próximo Calendário abordará os lançamentos de notícias mais importantes para quinta-feira. Vejo você então., Lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Qua, Jan 11, 06:00 Vejamos quais comunicados de imprensa poderiam mover os mercados de moeda na quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro. Este é o Calendário Econômico. Uma série de comunicados de imprensa sobre a economia do Reino Unido em novembro estarão disponíveis às 9h30, incluindo a Produção Industrial. A produção está em declínio nos últimos 3 meses, e a maior parte da queda vem da manutenção contínua no setor de mineração. No entanto, dados de outubro também mostraram um declínio na fabricação. O resultado da construção caiu em outubro, enquanto o aumento no novo trabalho foi revertido por uma queda na manutenção e reparo. E a balança comercial diminuiu em outubro, quando as exportações aumentaram e as importações diminuíram. UK NIESR A estimativa mensal do PIB em dezembro conclui o cronograma em 3. A versão anterior abrangeu os três meses até novembro e mostrou um crescimento constante do ponto 4. Im Hirofumi Kobayashi e você esteve assistindo o Calendário Econômico para quarta-feira. Nosso próximo Calendário abordará os lançamentos de notícias mais importantes para quinta-feira. Vejo você então. Adicionar à lista de reprodução adicionada à lista de reprodução nSwiss A taxa de desemprego de dezembro é superior às 7h. A taxa de desemprego desestacionalizada manteve-se no mesmo nível baixo nos últimos 7 meses. As licenças de construção nCanadian para novembro são as 13:30 GMT. O número de permissões recuperou em outubro, com uma queda de 4,6 no mês anterior. NUS JOLTS Obras de emprego para novembro estão em 3. O crescimento das ofertas de emprego diminuiu em outubro, de 5,63 milhões no mês passado. O Índice preliminar preliminar japonês para novembro estará disponível às 5 da manhã. O Índice cresceu em meio ponto em outubro, atingindo um máximo de 3 meses. NI039m Hirofumi Kobayashi e este foi o Calendário Econômico para terça-feira. Volte para a próxima visão geral dos principais eventos para quarta-feira. Adeus., Lang: en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Tue, Jan 10, 06:00 Você está assistindo o Calendário Econômico para terça-feira, 10 de janeiro. Heres um resumo dos lançamentos de notícias mais importantes. Swiss Unemployment Rate for December is up first at quarter to 7 AM. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate has stood at the same low level for the past 7 months. Canadian Building Permits for November follow at 1:30 PM GMT. The number of permits rebounded in October, reversing a 4.6 drop the previous month. US JOLTS Job Openings for November are out at 3. The growth in job openings eased in October from 5.63 million a month ago. And Japanese Preliminary Leading Index for November will be available at 5 AM. The Index grew by half a point in October, reaching a 3-month high. Im Hirofumi Kobayashi and this was the Economic Calendar for Tuesday. Check back in for the next overview of key events for Wednesday. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist nJapanese markets will be closed as the Coming-of-Age day is observed, and the first item on the schedule comes at half past midnight, when the Australian Building Permits for November are released. The number of permits has been declining at an increasingly faster pace for the past 3 months. nTwo news releases regarding the German economy in November are out at 7 o039clock in the morning, including the Industrial Production. Output returned to growth in October, but not enough to reverse a 1.6 drop the previous month. nTrade Balance widened in October as exports outpaced the imports. nSwiss Retail Sales for November will be available at quarter past 8. Sales have been declining for the past 14 months, although the October decline was much smaller than expected. nEuro Zone Unemployment Rate for November follows at 10. The unemployment rate finally moved into single-digits in October for the first time in 5 years. nComing up next at 8 PM GMT is the US Consumer Credit for November. Growth eased in October, following 3 months of better-than-expected gains. nAustralian Retail Sales for November are out at half past midnight. Sales continued rising in October as food and household goods retail reversed drops in clothing and department store sales. nThe closely watched Chinese December CPI will be released at 1:30. The annual inflation rose to an 8-month high in November. nChinese Producer Price Index for December comes at the same time. Producer prices have been growing more than expected for the past three months, recovering from five years of decline. nAnd Japanese Consumer Confidence for December concludes the schedule at 5. The Index dropped to a 6-month low in November as consumers are less optimistic about their overall livelihood, income growth and employment prospects. nI039m Hirofumi Kobayashi and you039ve been watching the Economic Calendar for Monday. We039ll be back with the next overview of news releases for Tuesday. Goodbye.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Mon, Jan 09, 06:00 Monday, the 9th of January, is a busy day with plenty of news releases. Lets take a closer look with the Economic Calendar. Japanese markets will be closed as the Coming-of-Age day is observed, and the first item on the schedule comes at half past midnight, when the Australian Building Permits for November are released. The number of permits has been declining at an increasingly faster pace for the past 3 months. Two news releases regarding the German economy in November are out at 7 oclock in the morning, including the Industrial Production. Output returned to growth in October, but not enough to reverse a 1.6 drop the previous month. Trade Balance widened in October as exports outpaced the imports. Swiss Retail Sales for November will be available at quarter past 8. Sales have been declining for the past 14 months, although the October decline was much smaller than expected. Euro Zone Unemployment Rate for November follows at 10. The unemployment rate finally moved into single-digits in October for the first time in 5 years. Coming up next at 8 PM GMT is the US Consumer Credit for November. Growth eased in October, following 3 months of better-than-expected gains. Australian Retail Sales for November are out at half past midnight. Sales continued rising in October as food and household goods retail reversed drops in clothing and department store sales. The closely watched Chinese December CPI will be released at 1:30. The annual inflation rose to an 8-month high in November. Chinese Producer Price Index for December comes at the same time. Producer prices have been growing more than expected for the past three months, recovering from five years of decline. And Japanese Consumer Confidence for December concludes the schedule at 5. The Index dropped to a 6-month low in November as consumers are less optimistic about their overall livelihood, income growth and employment prospects. Im Hirofumi Kobayashi and youve been watching the Economic Calendar for Monday. Well be back with the next overview of news releases for Tuesday. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist nTwo news releases regarding the German economy in November are up first at 7 AM, and Factory Orders is one of them. Orders surged in October as both domestic and foreign orders went up. nRetail Sales rebounded in October, reversing two months of decline. nEuro Zone Retail Sales for November follow at 10. Sales went up in October as an increase in the non-food sector reversed a drop in car fuel. nPlenty of data will be released at 1:30 PM GMT, including the highly anticipated US Employment Report for December. The November report was stronger than expected as the unemployment rate went down by point 3 percentage points. nUS Trade Balance for November is out at the same time. Trade deficit widened in October as exports slipped and imports picked up speed. nCanadian Labour Report for December is due at this time as well, and it is a high importance release for the Loonie Dollar traders. Now, the Canadian November report also surprised on the upside as the unemployment rate dropped to a 6-month low. nAnd Canadian Trade Balance for November is another release scheduled at this time. Trade deficit narrowed by 3.3 billion in October on the back of higher exports. nUS Factory Orders for November conclude this Calendar at 3. The October data showed the strongest growth in more than a year. nI039m Jack Everitt and you039ve been watching the Economic Calendar for Friday, the 6th of January. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Monday. Goodbye.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Fri, Jan 06, 12:25 Friday brings the latest US Jobs Report, so lets take a closer look with the Economic Calendar. Two news releases regarding the German economy in November are up first at 7 AM, and Factory Orders is one of them. Orders surged in October as both domestic and foreign orders went up. Retail Sales rebounded in October, reversing two months of decline. Euro Zone Retail Sales for November follow at 10. Sales went up in October as an increase in the non-food sector reversed a drop in car fuel. Plenty of data will be released at 1:30 PM GMT, including the highly anticipated US Employment Report for December. The November report was stronger than expected as the unemployment rate went down by point 3 percentage points. US Trade Balance for November is out at the same time. Trade deficit widened in October as exports slipped and imports picked up speed. Canadian Labour Report for December is due at this time as well, and it is a high importance release for the Loonie Dollar traders. Now, the Canadian November report also surprised on the upside as the unemployment rate dropped to a 6-month low. And Canadian Trade Balance for November is another release scheduled at this time. Trade deficit narrowed by 3.3 billion in October on the back of higher exports. US Factory Orders for November conclude this Calendar at 3. The October data showed the strongest growth in more than a year. Im Jack Everitt and youve been watching the Economic Calendar for Friday, the 6th of January. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Monday. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist nComing up first at 8:15 AM is the Swiss Consumer Price Index for December. Consumer prices slipped in November, following 2 months of weak growth. nEuro Zone Retail PMI for December follows at 9:10. The Index saw no change in November, and it indicated decline across the board. nUK Services PMI for December is out at half past 9. The November data surprised on the upside as the Index reached its highest level in more than a year. nEuro Zone Producer Price Index for November will be available at 10. Producer prices saw a strong growth in October, driven by a surge in energy costs. nComing up next at 1:15 PM GMT is the US ADP Employment Change for December. The November report surprised very much on the upside, following a subdued 119 thousand growth a month ago. nThe closely watched weekly update on US Jobless Claims is out at half past 1. Initial claims went down by 10 thousand during the week ending December 24 whereas the continuing claims jumped by 63 thousand during the week ending December 17. nCanadian Industrial Product Price Index for November is due at the same time. The Index continued to increase in October, posting the strongest growth in 3 months. nThe high importance US ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI for December is scheduled at 3. The Index surged by 2.4 points in November, reaching its highest level since late 2015. nAnd Australian Trade Balance for November will be released at half past midnight. The October data came in weaker than expected as imports grew twice as fast as exports. nI039m Celeste Skinner and this was the Economic Calendar for Thursday. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Friday. Goodbye.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Thu, Jan 05, 06:00 Its time for another Dukascopy Economic Calendar. Heres a rundown of the most important news releases scheduled for Thursday, the 5th of January. Coming up first at 8:15 AM is the Swiss Consumer Price Index for December. Consumer prices slipped in November, following 2 months of weak growth. Euro Zone Retail PMI for December follows at 9:10. The Index saw no change in November, and it indicated decline across the board. UK Services PMI for December is out at half past 9. The November data surprised on the upside as the Index reached its highest level in more than a year. Euro Zone Producer Price Index for November will be available at 10. Producer prices saw a strong growth in October, driven by a surge in energy costs. Coming up next at 1:15 PM GMT is the US ADP Employment Change for December. The November report surprised very much on the upside, following a subdued 119 thousand growth a month ago. The closely watched weekly update on US Jobless Claims is out at half past 1. Initial claims went down by 10 thousand during the week ending December 24 whereas the continuing claims jumped by 63 thousand during the week ending December 17. Canadian Industrial Product Price Index for November is due at the same time. The Index continued to increase in October, posting the strongest growth in 3 months. The high importance US ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI for December is scheduled at 3. The Index surged by 2.4 points in November, reaching its highest level since late 2015. And Australian Trade Balance for November will be released at half past midnight. The October data came in weaker than expected as imports grew twice as fast as exports. Im Celeste Skinner and this was the Economic Calendar for Thursday. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Friday. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist nThe final reading of Euro Zone December Services PMI is up first at 9 AM. The initial reading suggests the Index has lost one point from November, mostly due to slower growth in Germany. nUK Mortgage Approvals for November are out at 9:30. The number of approvals grew more than expected in October, reaching an 8-month high. nUK Construction PMI for December come at the same time. The Index has been rising for the past 4 months and now stands at its highest level in 9 months. nThe closely watched preliminary estimate of Euro Zone December CPI is scheduled at 10. Higher service costs pushed the annual inflation higher in November, and the ECB target rate now looks increasingly achievable. nThe Fed will release the highly anticipated minutes of its December meeting at 7 PM GMT. The meeting did bring the long-awaited rate hike, and the Minutes will be scrutinised to see what the Fed plans next. nAustralian Performance of Services Index for December comes at 10:30. The Index gained point 6 points in November as new orders, employment and deliveries all went up. nAnd Japanese Services PMI for December is out at half past midnight. The Index grew by 1.3 points in November, reaching its highest level in 2016. nI039m Jack Everitt and this was the Economic Calendar for Wednesday, the 4th of January. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Thursday. Goodbye.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Wed, Jan 04, 06:00 Wednesday brings more insight on Feds December meeting, so keep watching this Economic Calendar to find out more. The final reading of Euro Zone December Services PMI is up first at 9 AM. The initial reading suggests the Index has lost one point from November, mostly due to slower growth in Germany. UK Mortgage Approvals for November are out at 9:30. The number of approvals grew more than expected in October, reaching an 8-month high. UK Construction PMI for December come at the same time. The Index has been rising for the past 4 months and now stands at its highest level in 9 months. The closely watched preliminary estimate of Euro Zone December CPI is scheduled at 10. Higher service costs pushed the annual inflation higher in November, and the ECB target rate now looks increasingly achievable. The Fed will release the highly anticipated minutes of its December meeting at 7 PM GMT. The meeting did bring the long-awaited rate hike, and the Minutes will be scrutinised to see what the Fed plans next. Australian Performance of Services Index for December comes at 10:30. The Index gained point 6 points in November as new orders, employment and deliveries all went up. And Japanese Services PMI for December is out at half past midnight. The Index grew by 1.3 points in November, reaching its highest level in 2016. Im Jack Everitt and this was the Economic Calendar for Wednesday, the 4th of January. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Thursday. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist nJapanese markets will still be closed on the last day of the four-day weekend, but the rest of the world is getting back to business. nSwiss Purchasing Managers Index for December is up first at 8:30 AM. The Index has been rising for the past 3 months and now stands at its highest level in more than 2 years. nThe closely watched German Labour Report for December comes at 8:55. The unemployment rate inched lower in November from the already-low October reading of 4.2. nUK Manufacturing PMI for December is out at half past 9. The Index lost point 8 points in November, although it remains well in the positive territory. nA very anticipated news release comes at 1 PM GMT, and it039s the German Preliminary December CPI. The annual inflation has stood at point 8 for the last 2 months, but this release could actually see an increase on the back of higher energy prices. nThe high importance US ISM Manufacturing PMI for December follows at 3. The Index surprised on the upside in November, reaching a 5-month high. nAnd US Construction Spending for November is due at the same time. Spending stood unchanged in October, following two months of decline. nI039m Hirofumi Kobayashi and you039ve been watching the Economic Calendar for Tuesday, the 3rd of January. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Wednesday. Goodbye.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Tue, Jan 03, 06:00 Tuesday brings a number of high importance releases, so keep watching this Economic Calendar to find out more. Japanese markets will still be closed on the last day of the four-day weekend, but the rest of the world is getting back to business. Swiss Purchasing Managers Index for December is up first at 8:30 AM. The Index has been rising for the past 3 months and now stands at its highest level in more than 2 years. The closely watched German Labour Report for December comes at 8:55. The unemployment rate inched lower in November from the already-low October reading of 4.2. UK Manufacturing PMI for December is out at half past 9. The Index lost point 8 points in November, although it remains well in the positive territory. A very anticipated news release comes at 1 PM GMT, and its the German Preliminary December CPI. The annual inflation has stood at point 8 for the last 2 months, but this release could actually see an increase on the back of higher energy prices. The high importance US ISM Manufacturing PMI for December follows at 3. The Index surprised on the upside in November, reaching a 5-month high. And US Construction Spending for November is due at the same time. Spending stood unchanged in October, following two months of decline. Im Hirofumi Kobayashi and youve been watching the Economic Calendar for Tuesday, the 3rd of January. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Wednesday. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist nThe closely watched Chinese Caixin Manufacturing PMI for December will be available on 1:45 AM. The Index eased in November, but it remains near the 2-year high reached the previous month. nThe final estimate of Euro Zone December Manufacturing PMI comes at 9. The initial estimate puts the Index at its highest level in more than 5 years as both German and French data show notable improvement. nAustralian Performance of Manufacturing Index for December is out at 10:30 PM GMT. The Index grew by 3.3 points in November as expansion was recorded across the board. nAnd Australian Commodity Price Index for December concludes the schedule at half past 5 in the morning. The November data showed a strong growth on the back of higher coal and iron ore prices. nI039m Celeste Skinner and this was the Economic Calendar for Monday. Tuesday brings a number of high importance news releases, so check back.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Mon, Jan 02, 06:00 The markets are slowly getting back to business on the 2nd of January, and some news releases are worth a closer look. The closely watched Chinese Caixin Manufacturing PMI for December will be available on 1:45 AM. The Index eased in November, but it remains near the 2-year high reached the previous month. The final estimate of Euro Zone December Manufacturing PMI comes at 9. The initial estimate puts the Index at its highest level in more than 5 years as both German and French data show notable improvement. Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index for December is out at 10:30 PM GMT. The Index grew by 3.3 points in November as expansion was recorded across the board. And Australian Commodity Price Index for December concludes the schedule at half past 5 in the morning. The November data showed a strong growth on the back of higher coal and iron ore prices. Im Celeste Skinner and this was the Economic Calendar for Monday. Tuesday brings a number of high importance news releases, so check back. Add to playlist Added to playlist nUK Nationwide House Price Index for December comes at 7 AM. The Index returned to growth in November, having stood unchanged the previous month. nThe closely watched weekly update on US Jobless Claims follows at 1:30 PM GMT. Initial claims went up by 21 thousand during the week ending December 17, whereas the continuing claims went up by 15 thousand during the week ending December 10. nUS Goods Trade Balance for November will be available at the same time. Trade deficit widened more than anticipated in October as exports took a hit and imports surged. nAnd last up is the Australian Private Sector Credit for November, which is out at half past midnight. Lending continued to grow in October, and at a faster pace than the point 4 gain the previous month. nThat concludes the last Economic Calendar for 2016. We039ll be back with the next overview of news releases for Monday, but for now, we wish you a very happy new year. See you in 2017,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Thu, Dec 29, 06:00 The Economic Calendar gets pretty light on December 29, but some releases are worth a closer look. UK Nationwide House Price Index for December comes at 7 AM. The Index returned to growth in November, having stood unchanged the previous month. The closely watched weekly update on US Jobless Claims follows at 1:30 PM GMT. Initial claims went up by 21 thousand during the week ending December 17, whereas the continuing claims went up by 15 thousand during the week ending December 10. US Goods Trade Balance for November will be available at the same time. Trade deficit widened more than anticipated in October as exports took a hit and imports surged. And last up is the Australian Private Sector Credit for November, which is out at half past midnight. Lending continued to grow in October, and at a faster pace than the point 4 gain the previous month. That concludes the last Economic Calendar for 2016. Well be back with the next overview of news releases for Monday, but for now, we wish you a very happy new year. See you in 2017 Add to playlist Added to playlist nSwiss UBS Consumption Indicator for November is up first at 7 AM. The Index inched slightly higher in October on the back of improved domestic tourism data. nUK Mortgage Approvals for November follow at half past 9. The number of approvals grew more than anticipated in October and now is back at the level reached before the Brexit vote. nAnd US Pending Home Sales for November conclude this short schedule at 3 PM GMT. Sales saw little change in October, following a strong 1.4 gain the previous month. nI039m Celeste Skinner and this was the Economic Calendar for Wednesday. There are a few news releases to cover right before the end of the year, so check back.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Wed, Dec 28, 06:00 This is the Economic Calendar for Wednesday, the 28th of December. Lets see which news releases could be of interest to currency traders. Swiss UBS Consumption Indicator for November is up first at 7 AM. The Index inched slightly higher in October on the back of improved domestic tourism data. UK Mortgage Approvals for November follow at half past 9. The number of approvals grew more than anticipated in October and now is back at the level reached before the Brexit vote. And US Pending Home Sales for November conclude this short schedule at 3 PM GMT. Sales saw little change in October, following a strong 1.4 gain the previous month. Im Celeste Skinner and this was the Economic Calendar for Wednesday. There are a few news releases to cover right before the end of the year, so check back. Add to playlist Added to playlist nThe first item comes at 11:50 PM on Sunday, when the Bank of Japan will release the Minutes of its latest monetary policy meeting. The policy makers face an increasingly difficult task as, despite their ongoing efforts, the inflation remains stubbornly low. nAnd, in fact, the closely watched November Japanese inflation data will be available on Monday evening, at half past 11. The annual inflation actually turned positive in October for the first time in 9 months furthermore, the CPI data could receive some boost from weaker Yen and higher oil prices. nJapanese Unemployment Rate for November is out at the same time. For one, this has not been a major issue for policy makers, as it has stood at just 3 for the past 2 months. nFast forward to Tuesday, and the high importance US Consumer Confidence for December is out at 3 PM GMT. The Index soared by 6.3 points in November, reaching a 7-year high. nAnd two news releases regarding the Japanese economy in November are out at 11:50, including the Preliminary Industrial Production. Output stagnated in October, following two months of growth. nRetail sales come at the same time. Sales have been declining for 8 months straight, and this trend is expected to continue. nThis was the Economic Calendar for Monday, the 26th and Tuesday, the 27th of December. Things do get a bit more active later in the week, so check back for the next overview. Goodbye.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Mon, Dec 26, 06:00 The schedule is light a couple of days after the Christmas weekend, as markets remain closed in many countries, but some news releases are worth a closer look, particularly for Yen traders. The first item comes at 11:50 PM on Sunday, when the Bank of Japan will release the Minutes of its latest monetary policy meeting. The policy makers face an increasingly difficult task as, despite their ongoing efforts, the inflation remains stubbornly low. And, in fact, the closely watched November Japanese inflation data will be available on Monday evening, at half past 11. The annual inflation actually turned positive in October for the first time in 9 months furthermore, the CPI data could receive some boost from weaker Yen and higher oil prices. Japanese Unemployment Rate for November is out at the same time. For one, this has not been a major issue for policy makers, as it has stood at just 3 for the past 2 months. Fast forward to Tuesday, and the high importance US Consumer Confidence for December is out at 3 PM GMT. The Index soared by 6.3 points in November, reaching a 7-year high. And two news releases regarding the Japanese economy in November are out at 11:50, including the Preliminary Industrial Production. Output stagnated in October, following two months of growth. Retail sales come at the same time. Sales have been declining for 8 months straight, and this trend is expected to continue. This was the Economic Calendar for Monday, the 26th and Tuesday, the 27th of December. Things do get a bit more active later in the week, so check back for the next overview. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist nJapanese markets will be closed for Emperor039s Birthday, and the first item on the schedule is the German GfK Consumer Confidence for January, which is out at 7 AM. The Index inched slightly higher in December as consumers were increasingly optimistic about overall economic prospects. nSwiss KOF Economic Barometer for December follows at 8. The Index dropped by 1.7 points in November, but it does remain above its long-term average. nThe final reading of UK third quarter GDP comes at half past 9. The initial version puts the quarterly growth at half a percent, which is less than the point 6 gain a quarter ago. nCanadian October GDP is released at 1:30 PM GMT, and it is a high importance release for the Loonie Dollar traders. The previous release included the third quarter data and noted the strongest growth in more than 2 years. nThe final version of University of Michigan Consumer Confidence for December is out at 3. The initial estimate puts the Index at its highest level since early 2015. nAnd US New Home Sales for November will be available at the same time. Home sales continued to decline in October, contrary to the expectations of a recovery. nI039m Celeste Skinner and you039ve been watching the Economic Calendar for Friday, the 23rd of December. Our next Calendar will cover the most important news releases after the holiday weekend, so see you then.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Fri, Dec 23, 06:00 Things are still pretty busy right before the Christmas weekend, so lets take a closer look with the Economic Calendar. Japanese markets will be closed for Emperors Birthday, and the first item on the schedule is the German GfK Consumer Confidence for January, which is out at 7 AM. The Index inched slightly higher in December as consumers were increasingly optimistic about overall economic prospects. Swiss KOF Economic Barometer for December follows at 8. The Index dropped by 1.7 points in November, but it does remain above its long-term average. The final reading of UK third quarter GDP comes at half past 9. The initial version puts the quarterly growth at half a percent, which is less than the point 6 gain a quarter ago. Canadian October GDP is released at 1:30 PM GMT, and it is a high importance release for the Loonie Dollar traders. The previous release included the third quarter data and noted the strongest growth in more than 2 years. The final version of University of Michigan Consumer Confidence for December is out at 3. The initial estimate puts the Index at its highest level since early 2015. And US New Home Sales for November will be available at the same time. Home sales continued to decline in October, contrary to the expectations of a recovery. Im Celeste Skinner and youve been watching the Economic Calendar for Friday, the 23rd of December. Our next Calendar will cover the most important news releases after the holiday weekend, so see you then. Add to playlist Added to playlist nEuropean Central Bank will release its latest Economic Bulletin at 9 AM. The Bulletin provides the data behind the ECB decision to extend the quantitative easing program. nThere039s plenty of US data scheduled at 1:30 PM GMT, and the Preliminary November Durable Goods Orders is the most anticipated one. Orders surged in October in light of growing aircraft orders, although the core reading went up as well. nThe weekly update on jobless claims is another high importance release. Initial claims went down by 4 thousand during the week ending December 10 whereas the continuing claims went up by 11 thousand during the week ending December 3. nThe final reading of third quarter GDP comes at the same time. The initial estimate puts the annualised quarterly growth at 3.2, which is the highest level since mid-2015. nCanadian CPI for November comes at this time as well, and it is an important release for Loonie Dollar traders. The annual inflation accelerated in October from 1.3 the previous month. nAnd Canadian Retail Sales for October are out at the same time. Sales continued growing in September, following a point 1 gain the previous month. nUS House Price Index for October follows at 2. The previous release included the third quarter data and noted a sustained growth in house prices. nUS Personal Income Spending for November comes at 3. Both income and spending continued growing in October. nAnd US Leading Index for November is out at this time as well. The Index has been growing for the past 2 months, and the October report noted that it should continue growing in early 2017. nI039m Jack Everitt and this was the Economic Calendar for Thursday. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Friday. Goodbye.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Thu, Dec 22, 06:00 Youre watching another Dukascopy Economic Calendar. Lets see which news releases could move the currency markets on Thursday, the 22nd of December. European Central Bank will release its latest Economic Bulletin at 9 AM. The Bulletin provides the data behind the ECB decision to extend the quantitative easing program. Theres plenty of US data scheduled at 1:30 PM GMT, and the Preliminary November Durable Goods Orders is the most anticipated one. Orders surged in October in light of growing aircraft orders, although the core reading went up as well. The weekly update on jobless claims is another high importance release. Initial claims went down by 4 thousand during the week ending December 10 whereas the continuing claims went up by 11 thousand during the week ending December 3. The final reading of third quarter GDP comes at the same time. The initial estimate puts the annualised quarterly growth at 3.2, which is the highest level since mid-2015. Canadian CPI for November comes at this time as well, and it is an important release for Loonie Dollar traders. The annual inflation accelerated in October from 1.3 the previous month. And Canadian Retail Sales for October are out at the same time. Sales continued growing in September, following a point 1 gain the previous month. US House Price Index for October follows at 2. The previous release included the third quarter data and noted a sustained growth in house prices. US Personal Income Spending for November comes at 3. Both income and spending continued growing in October. And US Leading Index for November is out at this time as well. The Index has been growing for the past 2 months, and the October report noted that it should continue growing in early 2017. Im Jack Everitt and this was the Economic Calendar for Thursday. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Friday. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist nStarting things off at 9:30 AM is the UK Public Sector Net Borrowing for November. The budget deficit was smaller than expected in October, and it also was an improvement from a 6.7 billion deficit a year ago. nUS Existing Home Sales for November follow at 3 PM GMT. Growth was recorded across the country in October and, as a result, sales now stand at their highest level in almost 7 years. nEuro Zone Preliminary Consumer Confidence for December is out at the same time. The Index gained 2 points in November, reaching a 10-month high. nThe closely watched New Zealand third quarter GDP will be available at 9:45. The economy has been growing at a steady point 9 quarterly pace for the last 4 quarters, although this release could show some easing. nAnd UK GfK Consumer Confidence for December is scheduled at one minute past midnight. The Index dropped by 5 points in November as British consumers are increasingly worried about the state of the economy. nI039m Kiays Khalil and you039ve been watching the Economic Calendar for Wednesday, the 21st of December. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Thursday. Goodbye.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Wed, Dec 21, 06:00 Wednesday brings a high importance release for Kiwi Dollar traders, so lets take a closer look. Starting things off at 9:30 AM is the UK Public Sector Net Borrowing for November. The budget deficit was smaller than expected in October, and it also was an improvement from a 6.7 billion deficit a year ago. US Existing Home Sales for November follow at 3 PM GMT. Growth was recorded across the country in October and, as a result, sales now stand at their highest level in almost 7 years. Euro Zone Preliminary Consumer Confidence for December is out at the same time. The Index gained 2 points in November, reaching a 10-month high. The closely watched New Zealand third quarter GDP will be available at 9:45. The economy has been growing at a steady point 9 quarterly pace for the last 4 quarters, although this release could show some easing. And UK GfK Consumer Confidence for December is scheduled at one minute past midnight. The Index dropped by 5 points in November as British consumers are increasingly worried about the state of the economy. Im Kiays Khalil and youve been watching the Economic Calendar for Wednesday, the 21st of December. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Thursday. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist nGerman Producer Price Index for November is up first at 7 AM. The Index saw a strong growth in October as oil and electricity prices both went up. nSwiss Trade Balance for November is out at the same time. Trade surplus narrowed in October as exports went down and imports surged by 6.7. nComing up next at 1:30 PM GMT is the Canadian Wholesale Trade for October. The September data surprised on the downside as sales slipped for the first time in 6 months. nNew Zealand Trade Balance for November follows at 9:45 in the evening. A strong gain in dairy exports helped narrow the trade deficit in October. nAustralian Westpac Leading Index for October will be available at 11:30. The Index has been growing at a slow yet steady pace for the past 2 months. nNew Zealand Credit Card Spending for November comes at 2 AM. Spending continued growing in October, and at a faster pace than the 8.5 annual gain the previous month. nAnd Japanese All Industry Index for October is out at half past 4. The Index continued growing in September as gains were recorded across all subsectors. nI039m Celeste Skinner and this was the Economic Calendar for Tuesday. Our next Calendar will cover the most important news releases for Wednesday, so check back.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Tue, Dec 20, 06:00 Youre watching the Economic Calendar for Tuesday, the 20th of December. Heres a rundown of the most important news releases. German Producer Price Index for November is up first at 7 AM. The Index saw a strong growth in October as oil and electricity prices both went up. Swiss Trade Balance for November is out at the same time. Trade surplus narrowed in October as exports went down and imports surged by 6.7. Coming up next at 1:30 PM GMT is the Canadian Wholesale Trade for October. The September data surprised on the downside as sales slipped for the first time in 6 months. New Zealand Trade Balance for November follows at 9:45 in the evening. A strong gain in dairy exports helped narrow the trade deficit in October. Australian Westpac Leading Index for October will be available at 11:30. The Index has been growing at a slow yet steady pace for the past 2 months. New Zealand Credit Card Spending for November comes at 2 AM. Spending continued growing in October, and at a faster pace than the 8.5 annual gain the previous month. And Japanese All Industry Index for October is out at half past 4. The Index continued growing in September as gains were recorded across all subsectors. Im Celeste Skinner and this was the Economic Calendar for Tuesday. Our next Calendar will cover the most important news releases for Wednesday, so check back. Add to playlist Added to playlist nNew Zealand Building Permits for October are up first at 9:45 the previous evening. The number of permits returned to growth in September, following 2 months of decline. nJapanese Trade Balance for November follows at 11:50. Trade surplus widened more than anticipated in October, reaching its highest level in more than 5 years. nNew Zealand Business Confidence for December is out at midnight. The Index lost 4 points in November, but it remains very much in the positive territory. nGerman Ifo Business Climate for December comes at 9 AM. The Index stood unchanged in November, having reached a 2-year high the previous month. nUS Preliminary Services PMI for December will be available at 2:45 PM GMT. The November PMI did inch slightly lower, but it still was the second-highest reading in 11 months. nAnd Reserve Bank of Australia will release the closely watched minutes of its December meeting at half past midnight. The meeting brought no changes to the monetary policy, but the markets are anticipating a rate hike next year. These minutes could shed some light on these plans. nI039m Kiays Khalil and these were the news releases to watch on this Monday. Check back in for the next overview of key events for Tuesday. Goodbye.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Mon, Dec 19, 06:00 Its time for another Dukascopy Economic Calendar. Heres a rundown of the most important news releases scheduled for Monday, the 19th of December. New Zealand Building Permits for October are up first at 9:45 the previous evening. The number of permits returned to growth in September, following 2 months of decline. Japanese Trade Balance for November follows at 11:50. Trade surplus widened more than anticipated in October, reaching its highest level in more than 5 years. New Zealand Business Confidence for December is out at midnight. The Index lost 4 points in November, but it remains very much in the positive territory. German Ifo Business Climate for December comes at 9 AM. The Index stood unchanged in November, having reached a 2-year high the previous month. US Preliminary Services PMI for December will be available at 2:45 PM GMT. The November PMI did inch slightly lower, but it still was the second-highest reading in 11 months. And Reserve Bank of Australia will release the closely watched minutes of its December meeting at half past midnight. The meeting brought no changes to the monetary policy, but the markets are anticipating a rate hike next year. These minutes could shed some light on these plans. Im Kiays Khalil and these were the news releases to watch on this Monday. Check back in for the next overview of key events for Tuesday. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist nThe final estimate of Euro Zone November CPI is out at 10 AM. The preliminary estimate puts the annual inflation at its highest level in more than 2 years, although it does remain well below the ECB target rate. nEuro Zone Trade Balance for October comes at the same time. Trade surplus widened in September as exports went up and imports decreased. nBank of England will publish its latest quarterly bulletin at noon GMT. The previous report covered the bank stress tests and recent economic developments. nAnd US Building Permits for November conclude the schedule at half past 1. The number of permits has been rising for the past 3 months and now stands at a 12-month high. nI039m Kiays Khalil and this was the Economic Calendar for Friday, the 16th of December. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Monday. Goodbye.,lang:en classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Fri, Dec 16, 06:00 The news release schedule gets light as the trading week comes to an end, but lets still take a closer look with the Economic Calendar. The final estimate of Euro Zone November CPI is out at 10 AM. The preliminary estimate puts the annual inflation at its highest level in more than 2 years, although it does remain well below the ECB target rate. Euro Zone Trade Balance for October comes at the same time. Trade surplus widened in September as exports went up and imports decreased. Bank of England will publish its latest quarterly bulletin at noon GMT. The previous report covered the bank stress tests and recent economic developments. And US Building Permits for November conclude the schedule at half past 1. The number of permits has been rising for the past 3 months and now stands at a 12-month high. Im Kiays Khalil and this was the Economic Calendar for Friday, the 16th of December. Check back in for the next overview of news releases for Monday. Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist10531077107610721074108510801077 1074109910871091108910821080 iFXEXPO 10531077107610721074108510801077 1074109910871091108910821080 10541073107910861088 105510881077108910891099 10531077107610721074108510801077 1074109910871091108910821080 Managed Accounts JFOREX - 10531077107610721074108510801077 1074109910871091108910821080 Forex - rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u0424u043eu0440u0435u043au0441, u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438, u0412u0430u043bu044eu0442u0430, u0422u043eu0440u0433u0438, u042du043au043eu043du043eu043cu0438u0447u0435u0441u043au0438u0439 u041au0430u043bu0435u043du0434u0430u0440u044c, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Fri, Jan 13, 13:23 , , Dukascopy . , 13- . 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u041au043eu043du043au0443u0440u0441 u0422u0440u0435u0439u0434u0435u0440u043eu0432, u0424u0443u043du0434u0430u043cu0435u043du0442u0430u043bu044cu043du043eu0433u043e u0410u043du0430u043bu0438u0437u0430 u0418 u041ciss Dukascopy 21 u041au043bu044eu0447u0435u0432u044bu0435 u0421u043bu043eu0432u0430 u041au043eu043du043au0443u0440u0441u044b u0414u043bu044f u0422u0440u0435u0439u0434u0435u0440u043eu0432, u041au043eu043du043au0443u0440u0441 u041au0440u0430u0441u043eu0442u044b, u041cu0438u0441u0441 u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438, u0416u0435u043du0435u0432u0430, u0416u0435u043du0435u0432u0430 u0424u043eu0440u0435u043au0441 u0418u0432u0435u043du0442, u0428u0432u0435u0439u0446u0430u0440u0441u043au0438u0439 u0411u0430u043du043a, u 041au043eu043du043au0443u0440u0441 u0422u0440u0435u0439u0434u0435u0440u043eu0432, u041au043eu043du043au0443u0440u0441 u0410u043du0430u043bu0438u0437u0430, u041fu043eu0431u0435u0434u0438u0442u0435u043bu0438, u0414u0435u043du0435u0436u043du044bu0435 u041fu0440u0438u0437u044b, u041au043eu043du043au0443u0440u0441 u0421u0442u0440u0430u0442u0435u0433u0438u0438, u0422u043eu0440u0433u043eu0432u044bu0435 u0421u0442u0440u0430u0442u0435u0433u0438u0438, u041fu0440u0438u0431u044bu043bu044cu043du0430u044f u0422u043eu0440u0433u043eu0432u043bu044f, u0410u043du0433u0435u043bu044b u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0422u0432,lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 157 Fri, Jan 13, 12:55 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , iss Dukascopy 21 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 1087108311011081108310801089 1090 nu0421u0443u043fu0435u0440-u0440u0435u0437u0443u043bu044cu0442u0430u0442u044b u0431u0438u0440u0436u0438 Nadex nu041du0435u0432u0435u0437u0435u043du0438u044f FXCM rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438, u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438 u0424u043eu0440u0435u043au0441u0430, Iq Option, u041au0438u043fu0440u0441u043au0438u0439 u0420u0435u0433u0443u043bu044fu0442u043eu0440, Cysec, u0428u0442u0440u0430u0444u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u0435 Cysec, u0411u0438u0440u0436u0430 Nadex, u041fu043eu043au0430u0437u0430u0442u0435u043bu0438 Nadex, u0412u044bu0441u043eu043au0430u044f u0412u043eu043bu0430u0442u0438u043bu044cu043du043eu0441u0442u044c, u0420u044bu043du043au0438 u041fu043eu0441u043bu0435 u0412u044bu0431u043eu0440u043eu0432, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0422u0432, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0411u0430u043du043a, Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Bank, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Fri, Jan 13, 12:43 IQ Option - Nadex FXCM 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , Iq Option, , Cysec, Cysec, Nadex, Nadex, , , , , Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Bank 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 n22 u0447u0430u0441u0430 u0434u043eu043fu0440u0430u0448u0438u0432u0430u043bu0438 u0433u043bu0430u0432u0443 Samsung nu0422u043eu043f-u043cu0435u043du0435u0434u0436u0435u0440u0443 Volkswagen u0433u0440u043eu0437u0438u0442 169 u043bu0435u0442 u0442u044eu0440u044cu043cu044b rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438, u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438 u041fu044fu0442u043du0438u0446u044b, u042du0440u0434u043eu0433u0430u043d, u041au043eu043du0441u0442u0438u0442u0443u0446u0438u044f u0422u0443u0440u0446u0438u0438, u041fu043eu043fu0440u0430u0432u043au0438 u0412 u041au043eu043du0441u0442u0438u0442u0443u0446u0438u044e u0422u0443u0440u0446u0 438u0438, u041fu043eu043bu043du043eu043cu043eu0447u0438u044f u042du0440u0434u043eu0433u0430u043du0430, u0422u0443u0440u0435u0446u043au0438u0435 u0420u0435u0444u043eu0440u043cu044b, u041au043eu0440u0440u0443u043fu0446u0438u044f u0412 u042eu0436u043du043eu0439 u041au043eu0440u0435u0435, u0413u043bu0430u0432u0430 Samsung, u0414u043eu043fu0440u043eu0441 u0413u043bu0430u0432u044b Samsung, Volkswagen, u0414u0438u0437u0435u043bu044cu043du044bu0439 u0421u043au0430u043du0434u0430u043b, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0422u0432, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0411u0430u043du043a, Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Bank, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Fri, Jan 13, 12:17 22 Samsung - Volkswagen 169 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , , , , , Samsung, Samsung, Volkswagen, , , , Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Bank 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 1087108 3110110811083108010891090 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u0418u043du0444u043bu044fu0446u0438u044f, u0426u0435u043du0442u0440u0430u043bu044cu043du044bu0435 u0411u0430u043du043au0438, u0412u044bu0431u043eu0440u044b u0432 u0421u0428u0410, u0414u043eu043du0430u043bu044cu0434 u0422u0440u0430u043cu043f, u0423u0436u0435u0441u0442u043eu0447u0435u043du0438u0435, u0420u044bu043du043eu043a u0422u0440u0443u0434u0430, u0422u043eu0432u0430u0440u043du044bu0435, u0426u0435u043du044b u043du0430 u0421u044bu0440u044cu0435u0432u044bu0435 u0422u043eu0432u0430u0440u044b, u0418u043du0444u043bu044fu0446u0438u044f, u041fu043eu043bu0438u0442u0438u043au0430, u0421u0428u0410, u0426u0435u043du043du044bu0435 u0411u0443u043cu0430u0433u0438, u0415u0432u0440u043eu043fu0430, u042fu043fu043eu043du0438u044f, u041fu0440u0435u0434u043bu0430u0433u0430u0435u043cu044bu0435 u0426u0435u043du043du044bu0435 u0411u0443u043cu0430u0433u0438, u041fu0440u043eu0446u0435u043du0442u043du0430u044f u0421u0442u0430 u0432u043au0430, u0424u0438u043du0430u043du0441u044b, u042du043au043eu043du043eu043cu0438u043au0430, u0410u043du0434u0440u0435u0430 u041cu043eu0433u043du043eu043d, u041fu043eu043bu0438u0442u0438u043au0430 u0421u0428u0410, u0424u0438u043au0441u0438u0440u043eu0432u0430u043du043du044bu0439 u0414u043eu0445u043eu0434,lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Thu, Jan 12, 17:09 . . , Timeo Neutral Sicav. 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u0426u0438u043du043a, u041cu0435u0434u044c, u041du0438u043au0435u043bu044c, u0421u0432u0438u043du0435u0446, u041du0435u0444u0442u044c, u0420u044bu043du043eu043a, u0425u0438u043cu0438u044f, u0424u0438u043du0430u043du0441u044b, u0424u043eu043du0434u043eu0432u044bu0439 u0420u044bu043du043eu043a, u0418u043du0432u0435u0441u0442u0438u0446u0438u0438, u0421u044bu0440u044cu0435u0432u044bu0435 u0422u043eu0432u0430u0440u044b, Commodity Trading, u0411u0438u0437u043du0435u0441, u0424u044cu044eu0447u0435u0440u0441u044b, u0410u043du0430u043bu0438u0437, u0410u043au0446u0438u0438, u0414u043eu043bu043bu0430u0440, u0412u0430u043bu044eu0442u0430, Forex, u041fu0440u043eu0438u0437u0432u043eu0434u043du044bu0 435, u0412u0430u0440u0438u0430u043du0442u044b, u042du043au043eu043du043eu043cu0438u043au0430, u0424u043eu0440u0435u043au0441, Fx, u0422u0435u0445u043du0438u0447u0435u0441u043au0438u0439 u0410u043du0430u043bu0438u0437,lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Thu, Jan 12, 16:16 : . , MetalMiner. 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , , , , , , , , Commodity Trading, , , , , , , Forex, , , , , Fx, 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u0424u043eu0440u0435u043au0441, u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438, u0412u0430u043bu044eu0442u0430, u0422u043eu0440u0433u0438, u042du043au043eu043du043eu043cu0438u0447u0435u0441u043au0438u0439 u041au0430u043bu0435u043du0434u0430u0440u044c, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Thu, Jan 12, 15:52 , , Dukascopy . , 12- . 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 nu041fu0435u0440u0432u0430u044f u0432 u043cu0438u0440u0435 u0444u043bu0435u0448u043au0430 u043du0430 2 u0422u0411 nu042du043au0448u043d-u043au0430u043cu0435u0440u0430 u043eu0442 LeEco rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438 u0422u0435u0445u043du043eu043bu043eu0433u0438u0439, Ces 21, Ces 21 Panasonic, Panasonic, Panasonic Robot, Datatraveler Ultimate Gt, Kingston, Usb 31, u042du043au0448u043du043au0430u043cu0435u0440u044b, Leeco u041au0430u043cu0435u0440u0430, u0411u044eu0434u0436u0435u0442u043du044bu0435 u041au0430u043cu0435u0440u044b, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0411u0430u043du043a, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0422u0432, Dukascopy Tv, Dukascopy Sa, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Panasoni c Thu, Jan 12, 12:17 Panasonic 2 - LeEco 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , Ces 21, Ces 21 Panasonic, Panasonic, Panasonic Robot, Datatraveler Ultimate Gt, Kingston, Usb 31, , Leeco , , , , Dukascopy Tv, Dukascopy Sa 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 nu041fu0440u043eu0449u0430u0439u0442u0435, u043eu0447u043du044bu0435 u0442u043eu0440u0433u0438 nu041cu043eu0448u0435u043du043du0438u043au0438 u043fu043eu0434 u0432u0438u0434u043eu043c u0440u0435u0433u0443u043bu044fu0442u043eu0440u0430 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438 u0424u043eu0440u0435u043au0441u0430, Banc De Binary, u041fu0440u043eu0431u043bu0435u043cu044b Banc De Binary, Cysec, Nyse Mkt, u0410u043cu0435u0440u0438u043au0430u043du0441u043au0430u044f u0424u043eu043du0434u043eu0432u0430u044f u0411u0438u0440u0436u0430, Amex, Nyse, u041cu0435u04 36u043au043eu043du0442u0438u043du0435u043du0442u0430u043bu044cu043du0430u044f u0411u0438u0440u0436u0435u0432u0430u044f u041au043eu0440u043fu043eu0440u0430u0446u0438u044f, u041cu043eu0448u0435u043du043du0438u0447u0435u0441u0442u0432u043e, Asic, u041fu0438u0441u044cu043cu0430 u041eu0442 Asic, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0411u0430u043du043a, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0422u0432, Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Tv, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 , Thu, Jan 12, 12:13 Banc De Binary CySEC , 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , Banc De Binary, Banc De Binary, Cysec, Nyse Mkt, , Amex, Nyse, , , Asic, Asic, , , Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Tv 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 nu041eu0442u043cu0435u043du0430 u0440u0430u0432u0435u043du0441u0442u0432u0430 u0433u0440u0430u0436u0434u0430u043d u0415u0421 u043fu0440u0438 u0442u 0440u0443u0434u043eu0443u0441u0442u0440u043eu0439u0441u0442u0432u0435 nu041du0435u0444u0442u044c u0434u0435u0448u0435u0432u0435u0435u0442 u0438u0437-u0437u0430 u0440u043eu0441u0442u0430 u0437u0430u043fu0430u0441u043eu0432 u0432 u0421u0428u0410 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438, u0414u0440u043eu043du044b, u0411u0435u0441u043fu0438u043bu043eu0442u043du0438u043au0438 u0412 u0420u043eu0441u0441u0438u0438, u0420u0430u043au0435u0442u043du043eu0441u0442u0440u0435u043bu043au043eu0432u0430u044f u041au043eu043du0444u0435u0440u0435u043du0446u0438u044f, u0411u043fu043bu0430, u0412u043eu0435u043du043du044bu0435 u041fu043eu0434u0440u0430u0437u0434u0435u043bu0435u043du0438u044f, u0422u0440u0443u0434u043eu0443u0441u0442u0440u043eu0439u0441u0442u0432u043e u0412 u0415u0441, u0420u0430u0432u043du044bu0435 u041fu0440u0430u0432u0430 u0415u0432u0440u043eu043fu0435u0439u0446u0435u0432, u041cu0438u0434 u0410u0432u0441u0442u0440u0438u0438, u041au0435u0 440u043d, u0426u0435u043du0430 u041du0430 u041du0435u0444u0442u044c, u041fu0430u0434u0435u043du0438u0435 u0426u0435u043d u041du0430 u041du0435u0444u0442u044c, u0417u0430u043fu0430u0441u044b u041du0435u0444u0442u0438 u0412 u0421u0448u0430, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0411u0430u043du043a, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0422u0432, Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Bank, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Thu, Jan 12, 11:17 - 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Bank 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u0414u043eu043cu0438u043du0438u043au0430, u0414u0432u043eu0439u043du043eu0435 u0413u0440u0430u0436u0434u0430u043du0441u0442u0432u043e, u0418u043du0432u0435u0441u0442u0438u0446u0438u0438, u0418u043d u0432u0435u0441u0442u0438u0446u0438u0438 u0437u0430 u0420u0443u0431u0435u0436u043eu043c, u0411u0435u0437u0432u0438u0437u043eu0432u044bu0439 u0420u0435u0436u0438u043c, u041fu0443u0442u0435u0448u0435u0441u0442u0432u0438u044f, u0415u0432u0440u043eu043fu0430, u0411u0438u0437u043du0435u0441-u043fu0443u0442u0435u0448u0435u0441u0442u0432u0438u044f, Dukascopy TV, Dukascopy Bank, u0412u0442u043eu0440u043eu0435 u0413u0440u0430u0436u0434u0430u043du0441u0442u0432u043e, u0412u0442u043eu0440u043eu0439 u041fu0430u0441u043fu043eu0440u0442, u0413u0440u0430u0436u0434u0430u043du0441u0442u0432u043e u0414u043eu043cu0438u043du0438u043au0438, u041fu0430u0441u043fu043eu0440u0442 u0414u043eu043cu0438u043du0438u043au0438, u0421u043eu0434u0440u0443u0436u0435u0441u0442u0432u043e u0414u043eu043cu0438u043du0438u043au0438, u0420u0435u043du0435 u0424u0438u043bu0438u043fu043f, Offshore Premium, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Wed, Jan 11, 16:09 , Offshore Premium. 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , , , , -, Dukascopy TV, Dukascopy Bank, , , , , , , Offshore Premium 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 nu0420u0435u0430u043au0446u0438u044f u043cu0438u043bu043bu0438u0430u0440u0434u0435u0440u0430 u043du0430 u0441u043fu043bu0435u0442u043du0438 nu0420u043eu0434u0441u0442u0432u0435u043du043du0438u043au0438 u041fu0430u043d u0413u0438 u041cu0443u043du0430 u043eu0431u0432u0438u043du044fu044eu0442u0441u044f u0432u043e u0432u0437u044fu0442u043au0435 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438, u0421u043eu0431u044bu0442u0438u044f u0421u0440u0435u0434u044b, u0416u0438u0437u043du044c u0422u0440u0430u043cu043fu0430, u041au043eu043cu043fu0440u043eu043cu0430u0442u044b u041du0430 u0422u0440u0430u043cu043fu0430, u0421u043au0430u043du0434u0430u043bu044b u0414u043eu043du0430u043bu04 4cu0434u0430 u0422u0440u0430u043cu043fu0430, u0422u0432u0438u0442u0442u0435u0440 u0422u0440u0430u043cu043fu0430, u041fu0430u043d u0413u0438 u041cu0443u043d, u0421u043fu0435u0446u0441u043bu0443u0436u0431u044b u0421u0448u0430, u0410u043cu0435u0440u0438u043au0430u043du0441u043au0430u044f u0420u0430u0437u0432u0435u0434u043au0430, u0420u043eu0434u0441u0442u0432u0435u043du043du0438u043au0438 u041fu0430u043d u0413u0438 u041cu0443u043du0430, u042du043au0441u0433u043eu0441u0441u0435u043au0440u0435u0442u0430u0440u044c u041eu043eu043d, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0422u0432, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0411u0430u043du043a, Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Tv, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Wed, Jan 11, 11:17 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , , , , , , , , , , Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Tv 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 108710 83110110811083108010891090 nu041fu0440u0438u043bu043eu0436u0435u043du0438u0435 u043eu0442 Opteck: u0438u043du043du043eu0432u0430u0446u0438u044f nu0421u0430u043cu043eu0435 u0433u0440u043eu043cu043au043eu0435 u0434u0435u043bu043e u043e u043cu043eu0448u0435u043du043du0438u0447u0435u0441u0442u0432u0435 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438 u0424u043eu0440u0435u043au0441u0430, u0421u043au0430u043du0434u0430u043b Banc De Binary, Banc De Binary, u041eu0431u0432u0438u043du0435u043du0438u044f Banc De Binary, u0418u0441u043a u041fu0440u043eu0442u0438u0432 Banc De Binary, u0414u0435u043bu043e Banc De Binary, u0422u043eu0440u0433u043eu0432u043eu0435 u041fu0440u0438u043bu043eu0436u0435u043du0438u0435, u041cu043eu0431u0438u043bu044cu043du044bu0439 u0422u0440u0435u0439u0434u0438u043du0433, Lbinary, Nrgbinary, Opteck, Citigroup, Barclays, Jpmorgan Chase, Royal Bank Of Scotland, u041cu043eu0448u0435u043du043du0438u0447u0435u0441u0442u0432u043e, u04 14u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0411u0430u043du043a, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0422u0432, Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Bank, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Banc de Binary Wed, Jan 11, 11:15 Banc de Binary Opteck: 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , Banc De Binary, Banc De Binary, Banc De Binary, Banc De Binary, Banc De Binary, , , Lbinary, Nrgbinary, Opteck, Citigroup, Barclays, Jpmorgan Chase, Royal Bank Of Scotland, , , , Dukascopy Sa, Dukascopy Bank 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u0424u043eu0440u0435u043au0441, u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438, u0412u0430u043bu044eu0442u0430, u0422u043eu0440u0433u0438, u042du043au043eu043du043eu043cu0438u0447u0435u0441u043au0438u0439 u041au0430u043bu0435u043du0434u0430u0440u044c, lang:ru classtvvideoissue vid eoTitle0 Wed, Jan 11, 06:00 , , Dukascopy . , 11- . 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: Lost Frequencies, u041bu043eu0441u0442 u0424u0440u0438u043au0432u0435u043du0441u0438u0441, Felix De Laet, u0424u0435u043bu0438u043au0441 u0434u0435 u041bu0430u0435u0442, u0418u043du0442u0435u0440u0432u044cu044e, Are You With Me, Beautiful Life, What Is Love 2016, Reality, Tomorrowland, Less Is More, What Goes Around Comes Around, Armada Music, ADE, Amsterdam Dance Event, DJ, u0414u0438u0434u0436u0435u0439, u0411u0435u043bu044cu0433u0438u044f, u0411u0443u0442u043bu0435u0433, Dukascopy TV, Dukascopy Bank, u041bu0430u0443u043du0436, u0414u0438u043f u0425u0430u0443u0441, u042du043bu0435u043au0442u0440u043eu043du043du0430u044f u041cu0443u0437u044bu043au0430, u0421u0435u0442, u0424u0435u0441u0442u0438u0432u0430u043bu044c, u041bu0430u043 9u043d u0410u043f, Music, u041cu0443u0437u044bu043au0430.,lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Lost Frequencies. Tue, Jan 10, 15:23 , Lost Frequencies, 2014 Are You With Me, 2015 Reality. Dukascopy TV - , Beautiful Life What Is Love 2016, . 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: Lost Frequencies, , Felix De Laet, , , Are You With Me, Beautiful Life, What Is Love 2016, Reality, Tomorrowland, Less Is More, What Goes Around Comes Around, Armada Music, ADE, Amsterdam Dance Event, DJ, , , , Dukascopy TV, Dukascopy Bank, , , , , , , Music, . 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: Kadebostan, Kadebostany, u041au0430u0434u0435u0431u043eu0441u0442u0430u043du0438, u0420u0435u0441u043fu0443u0431u043bu0438u043au0430 u041au0430u0434u0435u0431u043eu0441u0442u0430u043d, Castle In The Snow, Walking With A Ghost, Pop Collection, u041cu0443u0437u044bu043au0430, u041fu043eu043f, u041fu043eu043f-u041cu0443u0437u044bu043au0430, u041au0440u0438u0441u0442u0438u043du0430, Kristina, u0410u043cu0438u043du0430 u041au0430u0434u0435u043bu043bu0438, Amina Cadelli, u041au043bu0438u043f, u0425u0438u0442, u0421u0430u0443u043du0434u0442u0440u0435u043a, Crazy In Love, Beyonce, Cover, Frozen To Death, u0428u0432u0435u0439u0446u0430u0440u0438u044f, u0415u0432u0440u043eu043fu0430.,lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Tue, Jan 10, 15:21 , , . Kadebostany. Dukascopy TV Castle In The Snow . 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: Kadebostan, Kadebostany, , , Castle In The Snow, Walking With A Ghost, Pop Collection, , , -, , Kristina, , Amina Cadelli, , , , Crazy In Love, Beyonce, Cover, Frozen To Death, , . 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: Arch Enemy, u0410u0440u0447 u042du043du0435u043cu0438, u0418u043du0442u0435u0440u0432u044cu044e, Alissa White-Gluz, u0410u043bu0438u0441u0441u0430 u0423u0430u0439u0442-u0413u043bu0430u0437, Michael Amott, u041cu0430u0439u043au043b u042du043cu043eu0442u0442, Daniel Erlandsson, u0414u0430u043du0438u044du043bu044c u042du0440u043bu0430u043du0434u0441u0441u043eu043d, Sharlee D039Angelo, u0428u0430u0440u043bu0438 u0414039u0410u043du0436u0435u043bu043e, Jeff Loomis, u0414u0436u0435u0444u0444 u041bu0443u043cu0438u0441, Metal, u041cu0435u0442u0430u043b, Heavy Metal, Melodic, Death Metal, u0428u0432u0435u0446u0438u044f, u0421u0428u0410, u041au043eu043du0446u0435u0440u0442u044b, u0413u0430u0441u0442u0440u043eu043bu0438, u0410u043bu044cu0431u043eu043cu044b, u041fu0435u0441u043du0438, u0413u0440u043eu0443u0 43b, War Eternal, Armageddon, Black Earth, Stigmata, Wages Of Sin.,lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Arch Enemy. Tue, Jan 10, 15:20 Arch Enemy, -, Dukascopy TV War Eternal, . ,. 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: Arch Enemy, , , Alissa White-Gluz, -, Michael Amott, , Daniel Erlandsson, , Sharlee DAngelo, , Jeff Loomis, , Metal, , Heavy Metal, Melodic, Death Metal, , , , , , , , War Eternal, Armageddon, Black Earth, Stigmata, Wages Of Sin. 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u0424u043eu0440u0435u043au0441, u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438, u0412u0430u043bu044eu0442u0430, u0422u043eu0440u0433u0438, u042du043au043eu043du043eu043cu0438u0447u0435u0441u043au0438u0439 u041au0430u043bu0435u043du0434u0430u0440u044c, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Tue, Jan 10, 13:50 , , Dukascopy . , 10- . 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 nu0412u0435u043du0435u0441u0443u044du043bu044cu0441u043au0430u044f u044du043fu043eu043fu0435u044f u0441 u043eu0442u0441u0442u0430u0432u043au043eu0439 u041cu0430u0434u0443u0440u043e nu041fu043eu043au0430u0437u0430u0442u0435u043bu0438 u0435u0432u0440u043eu043fu0435u0439u0441u043au043eu0439 u0431u0435u0437u0440u0430u0431u043eu0442u0438u0446u044b rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438, u0423u0433u0440u043eu0437u0430 u041au043eu043du0444u043bu0438u043au0442u043eu0432, u0412u043bu0438u044fu043du0438u0435 u0421u0428u0410, u0412u043eu0439u043du044b, u0412u043eu043eu0440u0443u0436u0435u043du043du044bu0435 u041au043eu043du0444u043bu0438u043au0442u044b, u041cu0430u0434u0443u0440u043e, u041eu0442u0441u0442u0430u0432u043au0430 u041cu0430u0434u044 3u0440u043e, u0418u043cu043fu0438u0447u043cu0435u043du0442 u0412 u0412u0435u043du0435u0441u0443u044du043bu0435, u041fu0440u0430u0432u0438u0442u0435u043bu044cu0441u0442u0432u043e u0412u0435u043du0435u0441u0443u044du043bu044b, u0411u0435u0437u0440u0430u0431u043eu0442u0438u0446u0430, u041fu043eu043au0430u0437u0430u0442u0435u043bu0438 u0411u0435u0437u0440u0430u0431u043eu0442u0438u0446u044b, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0422u0412, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0411u0430u043du043a, Dukascopy SA, Dukascopy Bank, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Tue, Jan 10, 12:18 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , , , , , , , , , , , , Dukascopy SA, Dukascopy Bank 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090 nCES 2017: USB-u0441u043au0430u043du0435u0440 u043eu0442u043fu0435u0447u0430u0442u043au043eu0432 Kensington u0434u043bu044f u0 432u0445u043eu0434u0430 u0432 Windows 10 nCES 2017: Xiaomi Mi TV 4 - u0442u0435u043bu0435u0432u0438u0437u043eu0440, u043au043eu0442u043eu0440u044bu0439 u0442u043eu043du044cu0448u0435 u0441u043cu0430u0440u0442u0444u043eu043du0430 rn10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: u041du043eu0432u043eu0441u0442u0438, u041du043eu0432u0438u043du043au0438 u0422u0435u0445u043du043eu043bu043eu0433u0438u0439, CES 2017, Nokia 6, HMD Global, u0421u043au0430u043du0435u0440 u041eu0442u043fu0435u0447u0430u0442u043au043eu0432, Windows 10, Kensington, u0412u0445u043eu0434 u0412 Windows 10, u0421u043cu0430u0440u0442-u0422u0412, Xiaomi Mi TV 4, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0422u0412, u0414u0443u043au0430u0441u043au043eu043fu0438 u0411u0430u043du043a, Dukascopy SA, Dukascopy TV, Dukascopy Bank, lang:ru classtvvideoissue videoTitle0 Xiaomi Mi TV 4 Tue, Jan 10, 12:12 Nokia 6 CES 2017: USB - Kensington Windows 10 CES 2017: Xiaomi Mi TV 4 - , 10501083110210951077107410991077 10891083108610741072: , , CES 2017, Nokia 6, HMD Global, , Windows 10, Kensington, Windows 10, -, Xiaomi Mi TV 4, , , Dukascopy SA, Dukascopy TV, Dukascopy Bank 10441086107310721074108010901100 1074 108910871080108910861082 104410861073107210741083107710851086 1074 10871083110110811083108010891090

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