Sunday, 23 July 2017

Option Trading In South Africa

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A crítica dos golpes aos líderes africanos foi direta e verdadeira considerando o estado de muitos países africanos. É verdade que os líderes africanos são egoístas. Infelizmente, vai demorar muito tempo antes de mudanças reais na África. Trump acredita que os africanos ainda estão sob escravidão e afirmam ser independentes. Com os líderes que mudam as constituições a seu favor para que possam ser presidentes da vida e manter a África como um continente escuro. As pessoas estão sendo abatidas na África do Sul e em outros países africanos. Ninguém se preocupa com o alto número de mortes ou acredita que o país está em estado crítico. A África do Sul foi construída a partir do nada e considerada um país do primeiro mundo. Agora o mundo observa como é derrubado e destruído. Os idosos são abusados, os bebês são mortos, as mulheres são estupradas e os agricultores são assassinados. Os edifícios são destruídos, as universidades e as escolas são queimadas, e o caos entra em violência em e em torno dos municípios. O senso de direito é real, e o governo trata os recursos do Estado como se fossem os únicos proprietários, sem pensar nos pobres. Todos os dias lemos sobre o abuso de recursos estaduais por ministros e funcionários do governo. Recentemente, o Ministro da Defesa usou os recursos da Força de Defesa a um custo de milhões para os contribuintes para transportar uma jovem senhora para fora da RDC. Quando questionado, o ministro disse que não fez nada de errado. Com que frequência ouvimos essas palavras, não fizemos nada de errado. O presidente Jacob Zuma e os membros do Congresso Nacional Africano (ANC) dizem isso o tempo todo. Como de costume, os bandidos dos ANC se reúnem e exoneram os membros expostos de qualquer crime ou responsabilidade. O que África e África do Sul querem esforçar-se para a unidade africana ou a supremacia negra. Com o objetivo de expulsar todos os brancos e até certo ponto, o povo indiano também. Existe a firme convicção de que pessoas brancas estão destruindo o país de forma econômica, social e cultural. O esforço para excluir os brancos de tudo, ao aprovar leis e restringir a participação de pessoas brancas no crescimento econômico. Forçando o desemprego dos brancos a escalar devido a ação afirmativa e, assim, destruir o grupo minoritário. Quando Trump chama os opressores africanos, ele está dizendo a verdade. Quando vemos a opressão de seu povo, como não podemos acreditar em Trump. Que governo vai demolir as casas e deixar seu povo encalhado porque as barracas foram ilegalmente erguidas em terras destinadas a algum desenvolvimento. Lança as pessoas no frio, deixa-las morrer de fome e virar-se para Crime em uma batalha de sobrevivência. Se o governo e os líderes parassem de retirar os recursos do Estado e usaram o dinheiro para desenvolver a terra, diriamos que o Trump estava errado. Mas, infelizmente, a África é um continente oprimido com líderes que são como as hienas que atacam como catadores, transformando a terra em um lugar desolado. África do Sul Hoje Notícias da África do Sul Não se deixe enganar Nada disso veio da Trump. Ele nunca comentou sobre a África. O escritor está usando o nome Trump para escrever seus próprios pontos de vista. O escritor seja Donald Trump ou não, não está afirmando sua própria visão8221s. Tendo vivido por mais de 30 anos em SA, eu deixei tristemente há 8 anos atrás. Eu viajo SA todos os anos e testemunhei a deterioração e o roubo legal que os políticos e as pessoas em cargos de confiança empregam como uma questão de direito. Felizmente, os últimos remanescentes da minha família dirão adeus a SA em um mês ou dois e se mudam para o mundo real. Nunca menos todas as palavras são verdadeiras, não tente desviar o problema. Donald Trump, OBRIGADO por ter notado que sou um sul-africano branco e quero agradecer a todos no exterior por ter visto, ouvido e acreditado no que realmente está acontecendo em nosso país. Nosso país está sendo conduzido por muitos palhaços de circo. I8217m era uma esposa de fazendeiros e foi roubada a mão armada por 3 homens negros de todos os nossos pertences elétricos no dia 13 de novembro de 2015. Nos atacaram e nos mantiveram refém por 2 horas e depois fugiram com minhas filhas bakkie. Esse dia foi muito longo e temível. Meus dois netos de 7 anos sofreram um grande trauma. Depois disso, houve cerca de 15 assaltos à casa armados em nossa área e ainda está em progresso. Pessoas que pedimos ajuda aos nossos países vizinhos para nos ajudar, os bons, respeitáveis ​​e honrados cidadãos brancos e negros cidadãos da África do Sul. Depois que Madiba passou, este país está caindo aos pedaços, o governo é ganancioso e não tem piedade. Mzimba 8220Mandingo8221 Zuma Elize Gostaria de ajudá-lo com um abrangente seguro de carro e casa. Eu também conheço a tristeza e a realidade de olhar para o barril de uma arma, nunca é bonito, mas tudo o que podemos fazer é preparar o pior. De onde você vem ... ela não vai comprar nada de você8230. Seus irmãos querem matá-la e você quer fazer um penny bonito de sua vida. Mzimba 8230 Precisamos de mais quem está disposto a ajudar uns aos outros, não importa sua raça. Precisamos que todos estejam juntos e lutem pela igualdade. Seu gesto gentil é um passo na direção certa. Theunis você vai explodir você mesmo Você não pode culpar todos os negros pelo que está acontecendo na África do Sul. Desculpe pelo que passou, mas eu aconselharia todas as pessoas brancas a sair da África do Sul. O país está perdido e isso só vai continuar piorando para aqueles que ficam. Bom Jack. Você faz sentido. Faça o pacote. I8217ll ajudá-lo com sua bagagem até o aeroporto. Então eu vou relaxar em uma caverna e beber umqombothi, caçar e usar peles de animais. Agradável. Desejo que todos possamos sair, mas não temos dinheiro para fazê-lo. Mas eu amo as pessoas da África do Sul e da Itália. Os Coloridos com seu senso de humor e a maneira como eles se expressam. E sinto muito pena pelas mulheres africanas. Eles sempre tiveram o pior tratamento ao longo dos tempos. Eles são fortes e engenhosos, trazendo seus filhos por conta própria depois de terem sido deixados pelos homens em suas vidas. Desculpe, vocês africanos, você tratou suas esposas como escravos todos esses anos. Eles mereceram melhor, mas ficaram mais fortes. Espero que haja luz para todos nós no futuro. Vá para o exterior, você, estúpido Elize, antes de levá-lo para fora junto com aqueles de seu jek Tanto ódio nesse comentário. Você precisa colocar pequenas indiferenças para o bem maior do país. Pare de culpar todos por todos os problemas e assumir alguma posse ao mudar o país de uma maneira melhor para todas as pessoas de todas as cores. Para o mau I8217m, onde você estava perto de você, então eu poderia te amarrar e cortar seu intestino para assistir suas entranhas cair como você pode finalmente ver o quão desagradável e odioso você está dentro. Você é o principal exemplo do que está errado com você e seu povo. Os roedores têm mais compaixão e se preocupam um com o outro, então você está cheio de vermes8230 Oh, venha Joe, fácil agora, Joe. Don8217t tome essas questões pessoalmente. Estamos apenas a respirar nossos sentimentos para que possamos abrigar menos ódio em nossos corações. Você conhece o ódio que enfraquece a alma e distorce a mente. Então, venha agora, alivie e relaxe. Eu estava apenas brincando com o homem de Joe. Que tal você me dê sua esposa por uma noite, de modo que ela tenha tido alto na manhã seguinte como é realmente um homem que eu sou. Tente. VOCÊ NÃO O REGATA Parece-me que você é literalmente a única pessoa aqui com um cérebro, a julgar pela maioria dos outros comentários. obrigado. Donald Trump, a voz racista Ku Klux Klan8217s em voz alta não foi ouvida quando os negros da África do Sul foram pisoteados pelo regime racista branco e ele não está qualificado para bater qualquer líder africano porque a América é uma bagunça que, novamente, ele não é Qualificado para consertar. Para ser sincero, Donald Dumb nem sabe onde a África do Sul está no mundo. Apenas 8220whites8221 compartilharão suas opiniões sobre a África do Sul, foi bom que os sul-africanos brancos tratassem os negros do jeito que eles fizeram, tenha em mente que você mesmo foi legislado por meio de seus votos. Agora que o campo de jogo está sendo nivelado, esses brancos sentem que estão perdendo sua chamada superioridade que eles afirmam serem marginalizados. Eu acho que, se isso for verdade, os negros devem ter aprendido com isso. Você constantemente os ouve dizendo que os negros são estúpidos para votar no ANC. Eu me pergunto se eles eram inteligentes para votar o Partido Nacionalista em quase três décadas. Nemukula, volte para a sua cabana de grama e coloque seu animal em costas e atire seus sapatos. Quando seu povo inventar algo de uso para a humanidade, volte e participe dessa conversa. No momento em que o campo de jogo é nível8221 Que brincadeira é tão nível, como você reivindica. Então, explique a ação afirmativa, a ABELHA, a associação de advogados negros, o fórum empresarial negro, etc., que servem apenas os interesses dos negros, mas que não podem ser racistas, agora pode. E me diga por que os negros, que são 80 da população dos países, e Mantenha todo o poder político e econômico e controle o estado e todos os seus recursos 100, por que você ainda teme tanto o Homem Branco. É porque você sabe que nunca inventou nada de nada para o homem, e que de fato você não é capaz de criar nada. Dê a esse homem um sino. Prepare-se para fugir da revolução islâmica da Europa se o balanço chega lá uma mulher racista estúpida eu me pergunto onde você vai fugir Para dizer que há corrupção e problemas na África do Sul é tudo verdade. Mas para os brancos falar sobre o crime que está acontecendo neste país é hipócrita. O apartheid foi um crime que foi transformado em lei pelo governo branco. Os brancos mataram e fizeram todos os tipos de coisas horríveis contra os negros e o resto dos brancos manteve a mãe. Claro que se adequava a eles porque se beneficiaram economicamente. Ainda hoje, não é segredo que a riqueza deste país ainda seja controlada e retirada do país pelos brancos. Se você quiser falar sobre ganância, então é melhor não ser pessoas brancas. Eles são as pessoas mais amargas e sem coração que já conheciam. Eu vivi sob o apartheid até eu ter quase quarenta anos e os crimes cometidos por brancos contra o preto nunca podem ser expulso nesta vida. Quanto a Donald Trump, ele ficou rico não por meios honestos. Pessoas ricas como ele na América e no resto do mundo ocidental são ladrões que continuam a roubar do resto do mundo, mesmo de seus próprios brancos. Donald Trump não pode mudar a América ou qualquer um das pessoas que se contestam para entrar na casa branca. A América é controlada e de propriedade de ladrões em ternos inteligentes. O que os Zumas e Mugabes deste mundo estão fazendo não tem nada a ver com sua pigmentação. Eles estão fazendo o que seus mestres no mundo ocidental lhes ensinaram a fazer. É claro que a África não pode bem porque não é controlada pelos africanos. É controlado de Londres e Nova York, como o resto do mundo é. Por que o branco na América Latina tem tantos problemas em seus países. A América é um país de assassinos. A taxa de criminalidade é simplesmente horrível comparado ao que está ocorrendo na África. Os crimes que eles cometem no Vietnã, no Afeganistão e em outras partes do mundo são simplesmente doentios. Nenhuma pessoa branca ou qualquer outra pessoa pode me dizer algo sobre o crime. OS CRIMES DOS PAÍSES OCIDENTAIS CONTRA OS SEUS POVOS E OS RESTES DO MUNDO SÃO LEGIONES. NÃO SÃO MELHORES QUE OS AFRICANOS OU OUTROS LÍDERES EM TODO O MUNDO. DONALD TRUMP VÁ VISAR-SE. OK 8211 então nos devolva a roda e lemos e escrevemos e a civilização moderna. Nos devolva leis e educação e vestuário e o mundo moderno e volte para a sua cultura de idade da pedra, onde a maior conquista tecnológica foi a cabana de lama com construção, não muito melhor do que o pássaro Hammerkop. Rejeite imediatamente o seu telefone celular, remédio, eletricidade, carros e volte para o arbusto. Será a única maneira de mostrar que você é sério no que diz. Volte para mostrar o baixo IQ África com não uma invenção na história completa da raça8217. Nenhum Shakespeare ou Mozart ou Darwin ou Einstein de Beethoven. Apenas ignorância e estupidez. Vá em frente. Nós estamos esperando. Volte para a escola e aprenda a verdadeira história do mundo e não a porcaria que você ensinou em suas escolas e universidades. Donde você sabe que a escrita, a matemática, a astrologia e uma legião de outras invenções começaram na África, muito antes que os brancos soubessem como esfregar a bunda. A música clássica foi criada na África, você bloqueia a cabeça e o branco simplesmente a roubou daqui e reivindicou a Honra por si mesmos. Seus museus na Europa atestam isso. Volte para a escola, você buraco na cabeça numskull. Nada começou na África subsaariana, você viveu no oeste da África e na bacia do Congo há milhões de anos (note, não no sul da África, aqui estão as chegadas recentes) e tudo o que você pode mostrar por milhões de anos de vida neste planeta é um Apanha afiada que é a sua contribuição total para a humanidade é uma vara afiada. Eu acho que este link explica o absurdo que você deixa mais eloquente do que qualquer coisa que um cartaz possa dizer. Como você vê, o problema real é que as pessoas da África são estúpidas. Claro e simples. O absurdo que você escreve para fazer você mesmo e os outros negros se sentir bem é um bom exemplo de verdadeira estupidez. Lembre-se que não são pessoas aqui dizendo isso. É mundialmente reconhecido que os negros, em média, têm QIs mais baixos. Você pode vê-lo em todos os lugares. Triste mas verdadeiro. Leboko você é burro como uma caixa de rochas, assim como sua raça. QED. Uma das coisas mais engraçadas ao redor é assistir alguém que é tão burro que eles não sabem que são burros. Como Kipling disse, 8220Ele que não sabe e não sabe que ele não sabe é uma criança8221. Ou talvez um Leboko. A única coisa boa sobre você Leboko é que você está bem equilibrado: você tem um chip em ambos os ombros. Leboko do que você está tão orgulhoso Burning of goverment property, public busses and schools8230thot8217s o que eu chamo de estúpido Leboko8230. Depois de ler seu comentário8217s8230. Posso ver agora que você não parece estranho, você é estúpido Ur outro Satanás pior. Vá adorar seu herói, conheça-o um dia e queque lentamente. Menino doente Você precisa fazer algum achado de fato 8221 brancos mataram e fizeram todos os tipos de coisas horríveis contra os negros8221. Mesmo. Entre 1948 e 1994, as Forças de segurança sul-africanas mataram 518 negros (dentro das fronteiras da RSA), mais de 52 0000 pessoas morreram em violência relacionada a políticas neste mesmo período, 92 delas foram mortas pelo anc e suas afiliadas. Eduque-se, Sr. Leboko, por favor. Quantas pessoas Hitler, Stalin e Lenin mataram o Sr. Morton. Quantas pessoas mataram a Igreja Católica Romana na Europa durante a chamada Inquisição Santa Milhões em milhões. Em 1976, vi policiais brancos atirando crianças de sete anos de HELICÓPTEROS, PORQUE ESCOLHEM MAÇÃS DA TERRA APÓS UM MERCADO SER BRINDADO POR RIOTORES. E don8217t mente com suas estatísticas falsas. O número de negros mortos por seno dos brancos que vieram para a África do Sul não pode ser quantificado. Em Soweto de onde eu venho, policiais brancos mataram 8220 criminosos negros 8217 com impunidade, e esses crimes nunca apareceram nos jornais. Os crimes dos brancos neste mundo contra seus próprios brancos e outras raças são simplesmente demais e doentios. O assassinato é assassinato do Sr. Morton, seja por negros contra negros ou brancos contra o branco ou qualquer raça. Somos todos seres humanos. Não podemos olhar para uma cor de pessoa8217. Errado é errado. Mas se você quiser pintar negros como assassinos, então posso dizer-lhe que seus crimes pálidos em comparação com o que a raça branca fez e continuam fazendo ao longo da história registrada. Você não pode fugir do Sr. Morton. Basta ver o que aconteceu em Hiroshima e Ngasaki no Japão na segunda guerra mundial. Os japoneses já se renderam quando a bomba atômica caiu em suas cidades para dar um exemplo ao mundo sobre o que a bomba nuclear pode fazer. Depois, após o lançamento das bombas, os americanos aceitaram os próprios termos de rendição que os japoneses aceitaram antes que as bombas caíssem. Leia a Autobiografia do filho da lei do presidente Roosevelt e aprenda todos os fatos verdadeiros desse período fatídico para o povo japunês. NÃO POSSO SER DIZIDO SOBRE CRIMES CONTRA A HUMANIDADE POR PESSOAS BRANCAS. Porque foram os piores perpertradores dos crimes mais abomináveis ​​do mundo na história registrada. Sr. Morton. Leia sua história, pesquisando. Vocês são os que inventaram a internet, mas você não usa isso de forma eficaz. Você é muito seletivo no seu fato. Muito obrigado, você não pode começar a me ensinar sobre a moral, especialmente com a sua história sangrenta de almas inocentes. Nada comparado com o que mandela fez e com os seus próprios negros, eu era um policial da Polícia Sul Africana FORÇA. E nunca testemunhei toda essa merda, você falou, vi as vítimas de assassinato de mk e udf. Eu vi o colar de pessoas inocentes por mandela e sua esposa. Eu vi o assassinato de policiais e outros funcionários e funcionários do governo e suas famílias por matadores. O saque de lojas, a queima de escolas você leboko não pode me dizer nada sobre o assassino, o ladrão e a briga de mandela e seu pai, eu vi com meu Seus próprios olhos, Phanse khongolase phanse, seis milhões mortos por Hitler em seus campos de extermínio e mais de 80 milhões morreram como resultado da guerra que ele desencadeou no mundo, sem contar mais de cem milhões mortos por Lênin e Stalin na Rússia. Vamos, Morton. Você certamente não pode comparar o que aconteceu na década de oitenta na África do Sul para o que aconteceu na Europa durante as guerras do Primeiro e Segundo Mundo. E o seu cristianismo religioso que matou milhões na Santa Inquisição Morton, os súditos voltam para a escola. Esses fatos são escritos por historiadores brancos. Por que você está tão defensivo sobre a criminalidade do raça branca? Acabei, meu caro compatriota. Seja honesto. E quantos negros você atirou em Morton, desculpe 8220moroto8221 (Urina) em Sesotho É preferível que a separação forçada seja preferível. O New Black Panthers nos EUA, ontem, defendeu ter uma área separada nos EUA para negros. Mesmo eles vêem que a separação é melhor. Os negros podem continuar e é embaraçoso. Desta forma, pelo menos, eles não ficam envergonhados com as comparações. Veja, quando você mistura shite e sorvete, mesmo um pedaço de pitada arruina completamente o sorvete. Então, é melhor evitar o shite do sorvete. Você precisa dar ouvidos aos ensinamentos e sabedoria do pastor África Mlophe (espero ter corrigido a ortografia) Ele é um africano com um coração bonito. Ele é um exemplo para todos nós porque, como ele diz 8211 e eu também acredito em 8211, há uma lei mais elevada para a qual precisamos cumprir. Talvez os brancos fossem anteriormente culpados de opressão, mas isso parou há mais de duas décadas, certo e, atualmente, a roda girou e você se tornou o opressor. Então, somos todos os mesmos seres humanos maldosos e malignos para sempre oprimindo nosso próximo. Mas os crimes desumanos que estão sendo cometidos em SA contra todas as raças são crueles indescritíveis às meninas (8220heal8221 HIV), meninos e idosos. Os municípios tornaram-se inseguros por causa do seu próprio povo. Você perdeu sua cultura de aldeia de respeito e humildade para com seus próprios vizinhos. Parece que você é mais 8220Western8221 do que você se concede por crédito. E apenas para sua informação: o Partido Nacionalista não ganhou com 100 votos. Como posso lembrar, era algo como um 54 quando Verwoerd foi eleito. O resto da população teve que dar um passo ou foram marcados e assediados pela polícia de segurança. A geração mais velha com a qual cresci nunca falou desprezível sobre os negros. Eles foram tratados com respeito e gentileza e não permitiram que seus filhos fossem desrespeitosos com pessoas de cor. Mas o fato de que Mandela e o tipo se voltaram para atos de terrorismo trouxeram suspeita para a equação e as coisas desceram de lá. Precisamos dar as costas ao passado e buscar justiça e justiça para todos e avançar juntos em nosso belo país. Você sabe que o governo ficou azedo e você sabe que o líder do ANC é uma humilhação. Certamente, se você quiser manter o controle, o ANC pode encontrar algo melhor. Você está feliz com as condições presentes Com a corrupção A pobreza e o desemprego E, a propósito, você está errado sobre o 8220wealth8221 dos brancos. Nós também possuímos cerca de 8220White Diamonds8221 que tinham informações privilegiadas e faziam uso disso, que se ajudaram enquanto o resto tinha que trabalhar duro para ganhar a vida. E sim, ajudou se você pertencesse ao partido político 8220right8221. Eu posso continuar e continuar. E você jovem, precisa aprender algum respeito. Como um verdadeiro africano tradicional. No entanto, não estou tolerando os comentários depreciativos de algum povo branco nesta alimentação. Eles são tão ruins como você e com você muito, não vamos a lugar nenhum. Sr. Trump, bem disse. Por favor, organize todos os infelizes afro-americanos. Com uma família branca sul-africana. Nós gostaríamos de deixar a África para os AFricanos e deixá-los ter a liberdade de fazer o que quiserem, então eles não podem culpar os brancos por seus problemas. Nós não queremos ficar onde não somos desejados. Estou com Terry nisso. Somos prisioneiros em nosso próprio país. Depois de mais de vinte anos, tudo ainda é culpado do apartheid. A pobreza e o desemprego são pior do que nunca. Dado que a opernunidade hoje para sair da África do Sul, faremos isso em um piscar de olhos. TROMP DO PRESIDENTE. Quão fácil podemos esquecer a gente dos chamados países democráticos. Sempre que é hora de eleger um novo presidente ou partido político, os políticos prometem todo tipo de coisas, insultam outras pessoas e dizem algumas das coisas mais rediculadas. Donald Trump quer que nós acreditemos que ele pode acabar com o flagelo de pessoas que comem de latas de lixo na América em meio à abundância de mundo naquele país. Eu viajei extensivamente na África e a idéia de que as pessoas da África não podem se alimentar é simplesmente ridícula. A verdade do assunto é que a África pode ser comparada a uma pessoa caminhando em um beco da cidade e é roubada toda a sua posse por um bandido ou bandidos apontando uma arma para ele ou ela. Enquanto tivermos o sistema socioeconômico econômico prevalecente no mundo de hoje, a riqueza do mundo chegará gradualmente às mãos poucos pouco a pouco. É um plano de longo prazo. Para tirar a riqueza do mundo e tê-lo controlado por talvez menos de 3000 cem famílias ou menos. Este mundo é controlado por gângsteres, assassinos, ladrões e magos negros que praticam algumas das coisas mais abomináveis ​​atrás da fachada do cristianismo. Donald Trump é um mero nincompoop tentando chegar à casa branca para servir seus mestres que talvez o tornassem tão rico no primeiro palácio. Crime América, Europa Ocidental - é aí que você encontra os verdadeiros criminosos, vestidos de ternos inteligentes e conversando com os criminosos do arco em vestidos e coleiras rediculous no Vaticano. Donald Trump, você pode enganar nós que ficamos acordados com seus sinistros motivos e planos. Donald Trump, vai voar uma pipa junto com os da sua classe. Você conhece bastante bem a história do homem branco. Você também estuda a história vergonhosa do seu povo. O assassinato, o derramamento de sangue e a crueldade contra o próprio povo. Como não podemos jogar pedras um no outro, deixe o jogo culpado e avance. Estou consternado com o ódio e comentários viles nesta página. Parece que uma pessoa muito frustrada nesta página gosta de mulheres brancas. Ele é realmente nojento. O único motivo pelo qual ele pode estudar tão bem a história branca é devido ao fato de termos gravado nossa história, ele não pode estudar sua própria história, pois eles apenas aprenderam a ler e escrever do homem branco. As histórias de fogo do acampamento crescem longas caudas e tornam-se contos de fadas depois de poucas gerações. Pelo menos a nossa história é escrita para todos para ver. Às vezes isso joga contra nós. Muito como fazer uma declaração para a polícia, em vez de recusar e fazer sua declaração ao tribunal, basicamente, somos responsáveis ​​por nossa própria queda. Principalmente porque nós, um Deus tão gentil e civilizado que teme as pessoas ao contrário do selvagem, é outro pior. Vá adorar seu herói, conheça-o um dia e queque lentamente. Pequeno garoto enfermo. Trump é um sucesso, você, por outro, só poderia desejar o QI acima de 13. Então, mostre-me apenas uma coisa na África do Sul que foi acumulada por eles, exceto pela população negra, que o início do ano não vai fugir, o dia chegará que eles Nos empurrar para longe do que é o dia em que retomamos o nosso país. Eu estou contigo nisso, como é fácil, nós nos esquecemos das pessoas dos chamados países democráticos. Sempre que é hora de eleger um novo presidente ou partido político, os políticos prometem todo tipo de coisas, insultam outras pessoas e dizem algumas das coisas mais rediculadas. Donald Trump quer que nós acreditemos que ele pode acabar com o flagelo de pessoas que comem de latas de lixo na América em meio à abundância de mundo naquele país. Eu viajei extensivamente na África e a idéia de que as pessoas da África não podem se alimentar é simplesmente ridícula. A verdade do assunto é que a África pode ser comparada a uma pessoa caminhando em um beco da cidade e é roubada toda a sua posse por um bandido ou bandidos apontando uma arma para ele ou ela. Enquanto tivermos o sistema socioeconômico econômico prevalecente no mundo de hoje, a riqueza do mundo chegará gradualmente às mãos poucos pouco a pouco. É um plano de longo prazo. Para tirar a riqueza do mundo e ter controlado por talvez menos de 3000 cem famílias ou menos. Este mundo é controlado por gângsteres, assassinos, ladrões e magos negros que praticam algumas das coisas mais abomináveis ​​atrás da fachada do cristianismo. Donald Trump é um mero nincompoop tentando chegar à casa branca para servir seus mestres, que talvez o tornassem tão rico no primeiro. Crime América, Europa Ocidental - é aí que você encontra os verdadeiros criminosos, vestidos de ternos inteligentes e conversando com os criminosos do arco em vestidos e coleiras rediculous no Vaticano. Donald Trump, você pode enganar nós que ficamos acordados com seus sinistros motivos e planos. Donald Trump, vai voar uma pipa junto com os da sua classe. Você sente que ele é como um Zuma branco. Você está orgulhoso dos milhares de pessoas que seu povo assassinou durante o apartheid. Por que você não fala sobre os milhares de pessoas afrikaaner, os britânicos assassinaram depois da Anglo BOER WAR, nos CAMPOS DE CONCENTRAÇÃO. O ASSASSINATO É ASSASSINATO, NÃO LOUVE NADA COM A COR DE UMA PELE PERSON8217S. Você foi um kwerekwere. Porque don8217t foda-se para a Holanda, de onde você vem. O Lesoto é parte do SOFRÍ AFRICA, VOCÊ TOCOU ESTÚPIDO, DON8217T SABE, você é um puto branco. Milhares realmente Você e seu ANC obtêm o seu crédito por isso, oi. Pegue um despertar. Seu ANC recebe o crédito pelos assassinatos brutais que você é. Quem você está chamando de lixo branco. Olhe no espelho e você verá o que é lixo Por seu uso de linguagem suja, você evidentemente é formado por alguma universidade. Pergunto-me qual a universidade que era. Ao admitir sua idade, foi evidentemente antes de 1994. Seu interesse extremo em mulheres brancas perplexa-me especialmente seu interesse mostrado na esposa de alguém ou na mãe de alguém. Como você não aprova o cristianismo, você aprova os golpes de bum. Você é talvez um deles? A propósito, Donald Trump não tem nada a ver com você e ele não deve dar um pouco sobre sua opinião. E quanto ao trabalho negro nas minas e nas fazendas. Trabalho quase livre. Sem que a África do Sul não estaria onde está hoje, seu tolo estúpido Não há nada que o ANC não tenha destruído. Você está certo. Ele também destruiu a idéia de ter os cabos de brancos cortados por seus crimes neste país, você bufou Você deve agradecer ao ANC por deixar pessoas como eu castrá-lo e cortar sua cabeça e colocar sua esposa e filhos em fornos como Hitler fez Para os maldos judeus, que não lhe deviam nada. Sua tribo tentou muitos laços e perdeu toda vez que seus mk não eram mais que meninos de jardim com AK8217s que atacaram mulheres e crianças indefesas e os guerreiros valentes idosos e grandes que eram e não são mk foram derrotados e destruídos pela SAVE SA bem Poucos que eram corajosos o suficiente para deixar tanzânia e angola e em outros lugares onde esconderam estupros, pilhagens e roubos da população local de seus países anfitriões. Traga-o neste momento, vamos dizimar você Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaa apenas para comentários apenas: E você está aqui porque o homem branco inventou o computador e a internet se não fosse por isso, nem saberíamos sobre você You8217re falando através de suas bolas. Gosto e faça Que na Europa, não aqui. Este país pertence a nós, e não a você. Você tem que ir embora, e muito antes de colocá-lo em fornos como hITLER para os judeus, você esbarra, morto, ou qualquer coisa que você se chama. O que você inventou pessoalmente, Morto. Você é uma alma perdida. Este post é real. É claro que a África do Sul tem sérios problemas de corrupção e má administração, mas também muitos países ocidentais, incluídos a América. Os documentos do Panamá apenas verificaram o que todos nós suspeitamos, apenas pior. I8217m um sul-africano, um que NÃO fugiu. Sim, temos problemas terríveis, sem dúvida. Mas Trump é um oportunista racista, e seus comentários têm menos a ver com o interesse na complexa e sutil compreensão da história socioeconômica da África do Sul, e mais para ganhar com o voto do igualmente prejudicial e moralmente ambivalente no eleitorado dos EUA. Isso lhe convém pintar líderes negros africanos como gananciosos, e população africana como macacos estúpidos, sem pensamentos, sem gume. Esta é a mentalidade que ele está atraindo. O que é um 8220leader8221 desonesto sem escrúpulos. Vergonha na América por permitir-lhe. UMMMMM, forneça pelo menos um exemplo de Trump sendo racista. Este é seu liberal típico responde. Quando você não gosta do conteúdo, você rotulá-lo de forma racista, mas você nunca fornece um pingo de evidência quando alguém o chama como é, ou seja, a verdade é racista, como 8221 I8217m, um trabalhador mexicano sem educação com registro criminal e Trump não me deixa ficar , Mesmo que eu entrei ilegalmente nos EUA, Trump é um racista8221. Você vê que todos ficamos muito cansados ​​dos liberais e da brigada do PC. É hora de uma mudança, é hora de TRUMP. Naseema, você está seguindo claramente a mídia dominante que está degradando o Trump desde o primeiro dia. Especialmente CNN. O mundo está de cabeça para baixo, ele quer corrigir o que está errado. Ele não é racista, ouve seus discursos com uma mente aberta. Por que tantas pessoas de outras raças o apóiam. Procure por você mesmo. O que ele diz sobre a SA é absolutamente verdade e não podemos negar isso. Obrigado a Trump por ter tomado conhecimento da sutuation em SA. Você está claramente seguindo nada. You don8217t need to read or watch any commentary on Trump to see this, you just need to watch a speech of his. All the ones I have watched are filled with racism, bigotry, misogyny, anti-intellectualism, contain broad sweeping statements, and pie-in-the-sky solutions with no clear plan on how to achieve them. He is clearly taking advantage of the fact that USA has one of the worst education systems in the 1st world and saying things that will inflame the uneducated8230 Now that I have written that I see that he is basically an orange version of Zuma. Wrong he tells it like it is and that scratches your silly liberal arse. well you had better get used to that itch, because he is here to stayand it is about time somebody put an end to liberal madness and pc bullshit. 8220Yeah STUPID. 8220 Yes you are rather, i must agree American Trumps Forefathers came to America and forcefully annihilated Tribes of rightful true Americans, who lived there for centuries, way before the arrival of any White man. The Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Blackfoot, Shoshone, Comanche, Navajo, Apache, Nez perce and many others. These People were the original Americans, instead their cultures and way of life was exterminated by the White Man, Land taken by force, Bison which sustained their way of existence exterminated to near extinction to make way for the invading White man with his dangerous diseases. These People were forced onto Reservations to this day. And you want to stand here and vent your frustration about how the White way of life is being short changed. Why didn t Trumps Forefathers remain in Europe The real Americans never asked Europeans to come to America, they were very content in the manner they lived. Now Trump wants to shout from the highest building as to how patriotic American Whites are. They are nothing but thieves who stole from the true Americans and they have the audacity of calling themselves Americans. No wonder they get planes crashing into their buildings. And as for Africa you are a minority in the land of a Black majority, irrespective of how advanced you maybe in technology, and so called progress. If You can t take it here, leave these shores for Europe or Australia (By the way another country Australia stolen from its original inhabitants by so called honest and hard working White People). Andrew, where do you live other than on another planet i mean on this one8230.. You sound hysterical. Are you alright Perhaps you are just Virtue Signaling8230.regardless you seem to be extremely sanctimonious. I certainly hope you have given all your belongings to the blacks to expiate the guilt you must feel. Me I think the blacks were lucky we brought them the wheel and reading and writing. How do you process the fact that the Bantu tribes did the same to the Khoisan peoples who lived right across Southern Africa before the Bantu arrived. See for example Bushmen cave paintings in Lesotho, but alas no Bushmen remain in Lesotho or the Free State of Natal or Gauteng. All were slaughtered by the blacks. Not the whites. The blacks. I8217m trying to call him out How far back should we go what do Britain have to to thank the Romans for Who occupied Britain first followed by the Celts, the picts, Angles, Saxons, Bretons, Normans. should we hang them all Then what of all the Africans, Indians etc etc. living in Britain today, should they all be returned home Just to be clear Morton my post was aimed at Andrew Lathame just in case you thought I was responding to you. You are absolutely correct on this silly guilt ridden idiot. Very clear Vuil. I too am trying to get this stupid libtard to respond to his ridiculous claims. I couldn8217t agree with you more Naseema. Trump is simply trying to win votes by playing the moral card. The whole world is corrupt and the problem is the human specie when in a position of power. Its just that some are much worse than others. Is this how you sooth your conscience i. e. that you ran away rather than deal with the new South Africa8230liberal outpourings are merely a smokescreen for your deeper disquiet with yourself. Save us, still here, from your attempts to justify yourself it is excruciating to have to deal with. Trump is merely honest as he has no hidden agenda he has to follow but then seeing and acknowledging the truth is hard for you isn8217t it Well said Duncan, you beat me to it i love some of the comments i often see from EX South Africans living abroad. Thanks it helps to have support from reasonably minded people The truth sometimes really hurts Naseema, and I feel sorry for you, but Trump says it as it is. The fact that you don8217t like it, doesn8217t make it wrong. So get used to it. South Africa is a great country and worth fighting for. There are a great many changes coming, and I want to be here, to enjoy a new South Africa. Donald Trump has my vote. Thank you Thank you Naseema for your exact impression of this 8220cry baby82218230.I8217m a SA expatriate living in the USA8230and the donald is being mocked here for his insane behavior. He is an insult and embarrassment to this country. When he does not get his own way the only way he knows how to responds is with his bombastic callous name-calling. He is really unbalanced. He has to be stopped. BTW8230.enjoyed your perfect grammar along with your impressive attitude8230because I know what is going on over there even though I no longer live there. Bless you and all the rest of those who are suffering. Gloria, dream on I wont even get into why you left SA But i8217ll tell you had better vote for Trump or those very same reasons that you left SA will be the same reasons you will have to leave the USA eventually. So catch a wake-up because after the USA falls, there is nowhere left to run Why should we believe you claim that Trump is a racist He is simply saying what is fact: Africa is a dangerous mess with law and order breaking down everywhere especially in SA. Blacks have displayed breathtaking incompetence across the continent. I am sick and tired of seeing everyone labeled as racist when they are simply stating the truth. Blacks seem not able to run a modern country. Calling someone a racist simply because they state the facts is a ploy that is not going to work anymore. 8220It suits him to paint black African leaders as greedy, and African populace as stupid, unthinking, gutless monkeys.8221 You words not his, they indeed reflect the truth. And if you are truly honest (even if you are black) you have to agree. Hello Jou Vuill gat, All whites of Dutch origin have black genes in them, according to some white paleontologists. I always marvel at how the English speaking community speak ill of the Afrikaaner behind their backs, how stupid they are and dumb, according to them. Can you explain why they hate you so much Vuil, you8217re a Christian I suppose, so why so much hatred in your heart. Its no good for you, you know. Take it easy man. How about I give you a black prostitute, who can relax you. if you know what I mean. I know you like black cunt, don8217t you boerseun Come on now, be honest. Your forefathers came without women from holland. Who did they screw here in Mzansi boerseun of course. the Khoisan, to produce the coloureds, you dumbhead. Hey Fuckhead only liberal English speakers with UK passports speak badly of the Afrikaners the rest of us are Engelse Boere jou fokken houtkop HAHAHAHAHA. So well said Morton. And Leboko, my ancestors came from Germany you idiot, not Holland. This will be my last comment, I stated the facts that needed to be stated. I don8217t argue with fools. What8217s the difference you coward. Germany, holland. france, Austria - all the same. Go there too you fuck kop of a whoring white mother. Guys. MLL is playing you all on this page. Your words really don8217t even reach his brain. He is enjoying every single frustration you and the others show. He is a typical sociopath who enjoys watching other people feel discomfort and his aim is not to prove a point, but to cause an uproar of anger and confusion. It8217s a psychological game he is very much enjoying just like his leaders are enjoying every moment of pain and despair inflicted to our beautiful nation and its good people (be they white, black, brown or green). There is absolutely no power in your words, and it8217s not you, it is MLL, he simply cannot reason, nor argue in a healthy manner and you should not waste your intelligence on this. He drains the energy out of those around him, he8217s not loved and he satisfies himself by doing the same on internet. His heart beats faster with excitement every time he sees an exclamation mark or swear word, his pores open up and the sweat of ambition to ambush and warp the words and facts of people start to build up on his upper lip. That8217s all he wants, adrenaline and sleep. By his comments, you can just imagine what8217s going on in that head of his, raging loneliness and absolutely no harmony. At least you know you are loved and that you can in return love back. He can8217t, let him lick his own wounds in a dark corner and go and enjoy your day. Look I understand how you feel. The angst you must suffer. Being from such and inferior crowd, thick as dog shite and the colour of excrement to match who have never invented anything ever and had no civilization: nothing, niks, nada. You must be a troubled soul. So you make things up and come out with all sorts of nonsense that any half educated person knows is not true. Look I understand you have to do it. How else can you live with yourselves. Blame other people for your uselessness because the truth would drive in you insane. As James Watson the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA and winner of the Nobel prize said, 8220I am inherently gloomy8221 about Africa8217s future because all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says not really8221. 8220Regarding the hope that all are created equal8221, he added, 8220People who have to deal with black employees find this not true.8221 And sadly you epitomize what Watson was talking about. As my grandmother in Uitenhage used to say: the poor devils they are so useless. VandagseGlimlagMoreseGuluk, No he definitely is not I am having such fun tearing the arse out this uneducated dickhead it keeps me entertained, all while schooling him. I love arguing with liberals and other idiots as they have no argument when presented with the facts and the truth, they either run off or scream racist Please read the poem 8221The White mans burden8221 by Rudyard Kipling. And please, do not fondly imagine for even one minute that all blacks in Africa are one big happy black family Each Tribe despises the other and even sub tribes within tribes hate each other I often hear Zulu speakers, when taking to each other, ask the question 8221 That man, is he a muntu (ie person) or a Xhosa8221 The Zulu don8217t even regard the Xhosa as being human beings Your mandela was 8221king8217 of the Tembu, a Xhosa tribe. The the Tembu are in fact an offshoot of the Zulu tribe called Mthembu. mandela8217s grandfather was chased out of Zululand for cannibalism yes your madiba was a amazimzim U8217hla aBantu mZimo And even mandela was not his proper name. The Xhosa do not have 8221IsiBongo8221 and 8221Isithahazelo8217s8221 at all they have 8221isdukhko8221 and 8221eVan8221. In Xhosa culture a child is given his grandfathers name as surname and does not take his fathers surname. So mandela8217s grandchildren should have the surname of Nelson. mandela8217s children should have the surname of what ever mandela8217s fathers name was Try and correct me, I dare you Wow this is sad. You know I just want to say that some of you people have alot of hatred towards black people and I don8217t understand why. Yes our government is a bit crapy and I will admit that but that is because of the individual who runs it I mean his race has nothing to do with his actions and how he behaves or how he chooses to handle things that all has to do with the person he is and his personality and the rest of the 8220black citizens8221 in the country also have nothing to do with how HE the individual runs the country. So please if you want to get angry and blame someone. blame the individual himself don8217t tag the race he belongs to along with him. And please stop making it sound like you guys are the better race to run the country at the end of the day a race is nothing but the colour of your skin, a race doesn8217t determine your success, a race dosent determine your ability to do well, a race doesn8217t determine your intelligence, the individual does the race determines nothing but the COLOUR OF YOUR SKIN. And on that individal note what have you as an individual actually done for the country, since you think you are all that and a packet of chips what have YOU done for the country that has actually made a difference, man stop claiming and hiding behind the success of other individuals and make something of yourself at the end of the day we were all born on South African soil so at the end of the day we should all come together to make the country better as South Africans not as a race. So stop with the ignorance and arrogance. From A 15yr old. CommentOfTheYear 2016 NeverForget Talk is cheap, America and others 8220think8221 they know whats going on in South Africa, they dont have a clue and do they care Western nations (America is top of the list) is trying to make another Arab Spring happen in SA. My guess is to finally get hold of all our resources. America helped end Apartheid amp presidents (yes even American ones) have no real power so your hero The Donald won8217t make anything better. Ffs, Trump has mob connections amp is friends with pedo Epstein. Find yourselves a better hero. mintpressnewsbrics-attack-empires-destabilizing-hand-reaches-south-africa215126 amp sanews247.blogspot. co. za201511malema-leaked-pictures-expose-his-links. html amp vaandel. co. zanuwe-wereldorde-se-plan-vir-suid-afrikamore-4042 Nazeema wake up buddie as a white south african we have lost more than 80000 white people in 20 years more than 4000 of those where mutelated so please everything in this article is stating facts 8220ps I8217m not rasist I just want to live and stop being oppressed (Thank you trump for speaking the truth please help us we are being oppressed and slaughtered and the police are targeting us when we defend ourself ) Went to the police station to report a man that tried to broke into my house when I caught the perpetrator the police officers came to my house and said because I assaulted the guy and I did not(cable tied him live 2 streets from police and drove for assistance while my black friend witch live down the round watched over the robber ) then I was told they w ill arreste him but they then have to arrest me as well and put me in the same cells with 20 black people and as he stated we all know what will happen that8217s your political police ) Go learn how to spell when wanting to air your 8220rasist8221 views and be factual, identifying your sources dont know where you got your hogwash data from The devil in pink The devil in blue8230at the end of the day, what does it matter to you8230 Here8217s my view of South Africa8230or just the world in general. There are the ignorant-irrational people, and then there are the rational people, the ones who can reason properly without letting emotion get involved. The ones who can see beyond the current situation and see the true reason to conflict. The world is unfortunately filled with the irrational type. In South Africa, most of our leaders and the citizens are irrational, there are black people who would terrorise a foreigner8217s shop because they feel the foreigner is at their mercy because they8217re not in their country and thus cannot display any form of opposition or attitude towards their black customers, and then there are white people who go through one, maybe a few negative experiences with a black person and then label all black people as 8220clowns8221, 8220monkeys8221 or 8220unintelligent8221. As humans, it8217s easy to label, criticize and blame or create a general opinion about certain groups of people as it relieves you from the pressure of having to choose sides and finding your individuality, and gives one ease of mind8230but you see, that8217s called ignorance. Not everyone is the same. One group of people8217s actions doesn8217t mean their entire community is like them, black people can8217t say all white people are racist just as white people can8217t say all black people are criminals. This is the talk of ignorant people. They ignore the little things, the facts that contradict their beliefs and continue with their one track mind. It took some real balls, and also thinking for Mandela and De Klerk to end apartheid, they were both going through enormous opposition. The ignorant white people didn8217t like the decision that their leader took, and the ignorant black people also didn8217t feel that 8220talking it out8221 would settle their anger towards white people. You see, ignorant people like Trump would label African leaders as corrupt, but ignore the fact that they8217re leaders are destroying entire countries just because those countries don8217t want to be exploited. My philosophy in life is to first straighten my facts, and find out the reason why people take certain actions, then I can fully express my opinions because my opinions are based on facts REAL FACTS. The truth is, no group of people is different from another group of people. We might be different physically, but we8217re all the same intellectually. The only way we can distinguish people is by their character and not by anything else. As much as I would love it to be, we won8217t live in a conflictless society, and if there is to be conflict between us, let it not be because of external factors, such as poverty, wealth, race..let it be because of character. Let us strive for a society where we are not judged because of our race, but because of character. Please, take this advice to serious consideration. Before you respond, think where your response is coming from, and if it is right. Well firstly i challenge you to find at least one occasion where Trump has referred to blacks as being clowns or monkeys or even unintelligent. As this debate is about Trump. Then to move on to the mandelade clerk issue. look how that experiment worked out for the country We ended up with someone worse than both of them Everything the anc has touched has turned to shit Then lets move onto this blackwhite thing now i understand that blacks comprise about 80 of the population and that there are many black victims of crime, not only whites are victims8230.BUT, every victim i know or know of, the perpetrator has been black. Then why must the crime be so violent a hungry person steals a loaf of bread, not 20 or 30 million Rand and there is no need to wait for your victims to return home before you strike. OK, break in if you must and steal my TV and what ever else, because you8217re hungry but why rape and torture young children and women and some cases even the men to death I challenge you to name one indecent where white criminals have invaded a black families home and raped and tortured the occupants. Or where a white criminal has hijacked a black man. The crime committed by blacks far outweigh their population percentage. and its mostly extremely violent in nature. Prove me wrong. Cape Town lover I couldnt have said it better. I salute you To move forward and progress as human beings we first have to take responsibility for our shortcomings thereby take ownership of our deficienciesOnce we take ownership we move forward compelled to change for the betterNo philosophical meanderings will change this truth. In Africa we have to many African governments who will not accept they need to improve how they govern their countries and are more apt to enrich themselves as is befitting a leader and power broker In the developed word there are many cases of such corruption and abuse of power to profit but in the developed world there are basic concepts of the need to provide what the people want and need and only after such duties have been carried out do those in power then manipulate their secret agendas. In other words developed countries governments at least attempt to serve their people before serving themselves. In African governed countries their is only an enduring inability to deal with social stresses and to top it all this is after over 50 years of independence from colonial rulers, who still get blamed for the mess African societies find themselves in. This is in contrast to many developed countries who suffered mightily from war but do not hark back to the time of war as a reason for whatever the problems these countries faceFor example, does Russia blame Germany for the time it took for the end of communism, to arriveDoes France blame England for the British empire and claim that it was due to the British Empire that France has such a struggling economy today and for that matter every other country effected by the British EmpireSo please it would really help if African leaders could own up, be men and take responsibility for their own shortcomings, because failing to do this wi ll result in an ever increasing dire consequence for African countries and their people. No one expects people in power to be perfect they are human after all, but people in power must at least take responsibility for their own problems and not blame other races or powers for their enduring plightDonald Trump merely is stating the obvious so as Greece has to live under extreme financial austerity because of the debt situation then to should African societies live under hardship until they can become masters of their own fate I8217m a black South African. The rural areas of this country are the best places to be. No racist people, blacks and whites are living happily and are working together in small towns, farming and businesses steadily growing and I wish it would remain this way. And i agree with you Joe Soap. As a farm boy and a person who has lived and worked in rural areas most of my life. Rural people are way better than township people. They are respectful and pleasant, and speak proper Zulu and not that horrible township 8221tsotsie taal8221. Mutual respect is all i ask for. Treat me correctly and i will return the favour. The reason why i have supported Dr Buthelezi since 1984 and not those township dwelling 8221amajitha8221from that criminal 8221khongolose8221 party of mandela. Morton, I can8217t prove that Trump said that but if you would read the comments above, you8217ll find 8220clowns8221 in one of the comments, and the insinuation that Black people - or African leaders, are 8220monkeys8221 and 8220unintelligent8221. And also, the debate is not about Trump, but about what he said. And sure, you said it right there. Here8217s an example: You are given a bag. This bag is filled with 10 balls of two colors: black and white-in which 80 of the balls (that8217s 8) are black, and 20 of the balls are white (that8217s 2). Let8217s personify the balls and say that all the balls in the bag are criminals. Now, if you were asked to randomly select a ball, what are the chances that you would pull out a black ball What are the chances that you would pull out a white ball The chances of pulling out a black ball is much greater than that of pulling out a white one, meaning that in a bag of criminals (balls) where 80 of the criminals (balls) are black, you8217ll have a higher chance of pulling out a black criminal (ball) than you would a white criminal (ball). What I8217m saying is that crime happens in every country, this means that in a country where 80 of the population is Black, who do you think would most likely end up committing a crime Blacks Just as you would find in a country where the population is predominantly White. Most of the rapists, robbers, murderers would be White because there are more white people there, therefore there are more White criminals. Now, violent crimes (from what I can tell), comes from a deep seated hate. What they do to the rapists and murderers in the townships is really violent, this comes from the anger they have towards these people and is just retaliation for the crimes they8217ve committed. White people who8217ve been victims of violent crimes are also are victim of the deep seated hate these criminals have against you. In their ignorant pursuit they let their past experience of Apartheid blind them, and therefore do the things they do because they8217re ignorant, and don8217t care about the examples set by the enders of Apartheid. To forgive, and resolve all of the issues-internally especially. Which brings me back to my conclusion, that the only two kinds of people that are currently in South Africa, are the irrational and rational-with the irrational dominating the population. They ignore any sign of good reasoning and will always find anything to oppose that reasoning and just to protect their pride and beliefs. Duncan, very good points, I agree with what you are saying and that is exactly what I8217m trying to point out to you guys. Most of our leaders are irrational and ignorant, that is why they would do such things and avoid any blame for it. But to move forward, we should start with ourselves. If we are always seeing and pointing out the negative, it means we are negative ourselves. And by clearing our minds from thoughts of anger and injustice, will make us make rational decisions and comments. We would understand why people behave in certain ways and then can we find a true solution to the problem that has plagued-not only South Africans, but the human race in general. We then get to the root of the problem which is always pride, and ego. Again, before you respond, I prompt you to think at what you8217re going to type, then see why you are saying this, what the real reason is, and why it makes you feel this way. Find the true cause, and you will therefore see the consequences of whatever action you were about to take. Remember, a country is not made by the government that runs it, or the leaders that head it, it is made by the people that live in it. If there weren8217t people in this country, there would be no point in making dams and houses if there are no people to hydrate and give shelter to. This means that really the people make the government, and bring about whatever laws need to be put in place for a clear and orderly country, therefore, if we start with ourselves, and educate those around us, we can really make South Africa, the South Africa the world thought it was, free, equal, and united. Again, the things you should take out of this is that, there are two types of people: the rational and irrational and ignorant, where the irrational are the most dominant. And they8217re only irrational because they want to protect their beliefs, their pride, and ego, and will find anything to oppose whatever good reasoning there is, totally ignoring the whole point of the reason. Please, remember this. Man you talk a lot in trying to justify your point waffle really Blacks are violent because of Apartheid prior to Apartheid blacks were all calm and peaceful then. well explains the actions of a certain Mr Shaka then does it not AND most of today8217s violent criminals were not even born during Apartheid. So that theory goes out the window Then why is that 80 of the population commit 99.9999 of the crime Don8217t believe me lets look at Mr Trumps country then8230..blacks comprise only 13 of the US population that they comprise about 80 of the US prison population. That must be due to Apartheid then right To add to this lets not forget how the country has literally fallen apart since the anc has taken over. I mean, which other country has their kids school books delivered at the END of the school year, if delivered at all and lets not get to the all the other government departments8230.that would take me years of typing and don8217t think it would even fit on this page. The bottom line is the anc inherited a fully functional working country with 1st world infrastructure, and its taken them a mere 21 years to turn it into shit FACT You know the meaning of morton in Sesotho It means 8220piss8221. Yes, you8217re simply pissing through your mouth. Your hatred is making you mad I8217m Sorry for you, really. Im from the Eastern rural side Morton. And everybody works. equally If it wasn8217t for educational purposes. I wouldn8217t be in the cities. There8217s alot to do at home than to be here experiencing all of this black and white nonsense. Trump is so right, these African presidents are no good. And the poor white people are bearing the brunt of it all. My helper comes late every day because these black people are told by the government not to listen to us. She claims that she wakes up at 3.30 to catch a taxi at 4.30am so she can catch a train by 6am and be at work by 7.30am. I know she is lying, she is lazy 8211 like the South African government and that uneducated president of theirs. When I threaten to fire her 8211 I mean, she should consider herself lucky that I pay her so much 8211 R3000 per month is a lot of money 8211 she says she will take me to CCMA. It is that culture of laziness. My ancestors came here more than 400 years ago and we built this country from scratch. They did not even have clothes these uncivilised blacks. And this is how they repay them 8211 by complaining everytime we liken them to animals and turning on us by killing us. Yes, I know that even more of their own kind die everyday because of the socioeconomic conditions that come with poverty, displacement and lack of education, but we were doing them favour when we sent them to the homelands and making them work in the cities as though they were foreigners. Look at them now8230disgusted that they even dare to blame apartheid Racist much. LEAVE SA IF YOU DON8217T LIKE IT SO MUCH LEARN LABOUR LAW ALSO THERE ARE LEGAL PROCESURES TO FIRE SOMEONE IF FOLLOWED CORRECTLY SHE CAN STAND ON HER HEAD AND WHISLE THROUGH HER ARSE, SHE HAS BEEN FIRED AND CCMA CAN DO JACK You are like everyone else who complains and does JACK You pay someone to work for you WOW what a wonderful person you are You don8217t enslave her for free, that8217s great8230. NOT people add value for money If they are not performing, following the correct procedures and fire them and don8217t blame all black people for the acts of a few and don8217t say all are lazy because they have lived a different life to you that you do not understand. I am a white South African and proud to be a part of this diverse land 8211 do you even speak an African language Have you even attempted to learn one. Probably not and you LIVE IN AFRICA WE LIVE IN AFRICA YET WHITE PEOPLE WANT TO ACT AS I THIS IS A EUROPEAN COUNTRY BEING TAKEN OVER BY AFRICANS. CRAZY. Yes the Government is up to shit, but it will only be so long before it changes for the better, when people start focusing on the positive instead of all the negative crap Your negative attitudes contribute directly to the negative sentiment in the markets which also affects our economy too8230. yes BEEE has made free trade very difficult in SA, BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE But I strongly believe change is coming, not sure if it is for the better or worse yet, depending who takes over from the ANC, but it is coming NO DOUBT BLACK SOUTH AFRICANS ARE NOT FOOLS, THEY ARE OPENING THEIR EYES TO THE DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT OF THE CURRENT ANC CABINET Do you listen to zuma when he makes statements like he and his anc will rule till the second coming of Jesus, he means it Even if the anc were to lose the next general election, they will not leave we are eventually going to have to physically remove them. Like it not, that is a fact They have manipulated themselves into a position where they can never be ousted. They have between 11 to 15 million voters on social welfare alone. They have created employment for their support base by swelling the civil service to one of the largest in the world. All loyal lazy voters with jobs for life They claim to have 8221sangoma8217s8221 who can tell them who you voted for. That along with other forms of intimidation will ensure they stay in power forever They develop only anc held wards in every municipality, thereby ensuring that the rest will vote for them next time around. They offer citizens of other counties SA citizenship and benefits, on the proviso they vote for them. Don8217t believe me come take a trip around KZN with me and i will show you Mozambicans with Zulu names and surnames that can8217t speak a word of the language. The systematic murder of almost every IFP supporting Tribal Chief and most of the IFP leadership in KZN has ensured that the anc will take over every ward in the province eventually. Then the manipulation of ward boundaries have ensured that every opposition stronghold is carved up and included into anc strongholds. Then lets not forget the so-called IEC that is anc owned, and i very much doubt the counting of votes is fair and true. They count and recount until the right party wins So if you believe the anc can be beaten at the polls then you are very much delusional. Thea u are sick, if u think u better than a black person repent or rot in hell cos of r hatred torwads black ppl u showing reproach to their Maker It is not hatred towards black people it is hatred towards ignorant and stupid people. When will Black people stop seeing the color of their skin because it is your inability to see anything but your own skin color that creates all the confusion. White people don8217t see themselves as white or better but only recognize ignorance or stupidity. White people are not better but maybe more advanced when it comes to building a modern society. Maybe if Black people could get over being black then whites would find it easier to live among and share all aspects of life with Black people without fear of losing anything or sacrificing anythingBlack people are forever saying that they will only be free when they have got rid of white peopleThis is wrong and seeing as we are all human it is easy for us to choose the wrong path. When you have a government who blames all their failures on the White people then it serves only to polarize society and create more racial division in our society. Do we have to see alien life from another planet before we realize we are all of the same human familyWe have such potential but also we have the ability to destroy ourselves and the current leadership in South Africa is only about destroying not building something positive and better. In this they have failed and the voters who vote for them also fail and destroy us election after electionit is easy to burn down a school but try building one and see how much longer it takesThere are 4.5 million white people in this country, you cannot kill us all and get away with it the world will make sure of this, so why cannot the ANC leadership work with us whites why are we the problem and why does this country go backwards. These are the questions we should be asking ourselves and only these questionsI s this possible if not we are all doomedSimple like it don8217t like it but know the truth at least in your life Duncan, Again 100 on the nail A wise old man once told me that he only disliked rude, stupid, ignorant people. And that is was not fault that most of the people who fell into this category happened to be black. That can also be attributed to demographics. Be that as it may. As an ardent IFP supporter and voter of more than 30 years and a person who has spent most of his life in rural KZN, I know for a fact that not all blacks are bad. In fact most just want on get on with their lives, own a home. Feed, cloth and educate their children and have decent paying job. This of course is all ruined by the anceffazapopac factions. Who go to great lengths to point out that all countries problems are caused by the poor old mlungu. Thankfully most see through this rhetoric. You vote for IFP, but you have no respect for the race to which Prince Gatsha Buthelezi belongs. How so, Morton One could even say that the massive growth in South Africa8217s Black population is down to European infrastructure and work creating activities since the end of the 19th century. This country is as much ours as anyone else who lives here and the time should come that if you don8217t make a meaningful contribution then you should be cast out like all the so called refugees going to Europe True, we stopped the tribal wars, stopped them from killing and eating each other. We improved their healthcare, built hospitals, reduced the infant mortally rate to such an extend that the average life expectancy of a South African black was not only the highest in Africa but even higher than the USSR and China but we forgot to tell them that there is now no need to have 20 kids each, as most will reach adulthood. The SA black population has increased 1000 in 100 years let that sink in8230. ONE THOUSAND PERCENT in ONE HUNDRED YEARS. No wonder there is so much unemployment and so much crime the anc don8217t care because its more potential voters in their camp. Same reason why they allow prisoners to vote, because most of their supporters are in prison they are a party of criminals for criminals. Trump you beauty. Trump for president Now we just hope that the rest of the world can see what Trump are seeing and start sanctions against us8230 Or even better 8230stand together and declare S. A. A DISASTER A COUNTRY AND START SENDING IN THE UN. to aid us against this white zenofobia caused and feuled by the ANC and EFF You guys are excellent in pointing out the problems in our country, it reminds of what Trevor Noah said when he said White people are great at complaining haha You guys seem so passionate in finding the problems in other people but have no interest in solving them. Nor taking true initiative in helping this country go back to the glory days in which your heart solely desires. Keep in mind though that I8217m not denying any of the points that you have pointed out, because they8217re axioms, but your approach to them is of hate, which is really not a good way to look at anything. It8217s so frustrating trying to make you guys see my point, but is also revealing as to who are the real South Africans. Here8217s a fact, most South Africans are ignorant pessimists with irrational behavior. We will burn schools because we8217re angry, vandalize public facilities, and not own up to our actions. We also complain of the state of our country, and only look at the negatives of EVERYTHING in the country while ignoring any of the good, and not making any serious effort to change the situation. I understand why Boshof left civilization and fled to the middle of nowhere because all he wanted was peace from the hate. I feel like starting my own Orania too and only invite people with a real understanding of how humanity is, that way we can show South Africans and the entire world what a true society is. Anyway, I will not engage in any debate though, 8217cause it will be a pointless battle as we will go on forever trying to prove each other wrong. There8217s a quote that says, 8220Do not argue with a fool, for he will drag you to his level and beat you by experience.8221. And also, just remember that nothing is ever going to change for us in this country, everything will stay the same, because people like you refuse to change. I just hope that you actually see what I was trying to make you see. Dia bom. Anyway, I will not engage in any debate though, cause it will be a pointless battle as we will go on forever trying to prove each other wrong. Theres a quote that says, Do not argue with a fool, for he will drag you to his level and beat you by experience.. And also, just remember that nothing is ever going to change for us in this country, everything will stay the same, because people like you refuse to change. Well well You don8217t wish to engage in any debate and yet you wish to have your say8230..very strange. I have no intention of arguing with you, as I too have a policy of not arguing with fools8230.. Save to say you wish to see us change, as we refuse to. 8230.May i ask what it is that you wish me to change into or do mean that i should let go and simply go with flow surrender in other words. Or drop my standards down to level of the anc get with the program and hop on the gravy train So i ask again82308230What is it exactly that you want me to change into. BTW, trevor noah is a complete arse and i am glad we are shot of him lets hope the Americans don8217t ever send him back IF Racists Whites colonizers left Africa alone,,we wont have this confused world. Racists Whites are to blame it has proven we cant leave together they hate us. Now we are on this situation because of Racists whites 8230if at least black people didn8217t have minds or that one equal to animals maybe you guys could ve controlled us forever but now I can face only racist white that u are stupid and you wont change nothing.. Now is that what a call and intelligent responds Funny Julius how hate the white man, but don8217t you just love his cars, and suits and whiskey and watches and shoes and and and8230..oh and lets not forget his computer and internet. Without which you would even feature here now fuck off. clever people are talking I8217m beginning to like you Morton, especially your diatribes Come on, give us more of your hate. It helps me to understand some of the mentality of white follks. Mind you, some, not all. I used to have a white girlfriend during apartheid days, I learnt very little from her. But from you, I think I8217ll grow to be a genius. Come On Morty Boy, come on. I like you. Live what woodwork ha ha It is really sad to see that we as South Africans are still using race to divide ourselves as human beings. If anybody in this country think that the ANC is governing this country they should seriously wakeup. SA Government AND The Republic of South Africa are both listed as Corporations on the US Securities Exchange ubuntuparty. org. za201208evidence-that-sa-government-and. html South Africa is no longer a country it is a corporation controlled by Johann Rupert and Nicky Oppenheimer, according to Forbes they have wealth equal to the poorest 50 percent i. e. 26.5-million people. Add in a few other names you will find that around fifteen people controls more than 85 of the South African wealth. zaarticles634south-africa-s-two-richest-people-have-wealth-equal-to-the-poorest-26-5-million Banks are robbing us blind and 99,9 of us are unaware of this fact. Our justice system inherited from way back in day is just as corrupt. And it is controlled by the elite that control our Country and our government. So Zuma is just a puppet in this game. That makes all of us SLAVES, be it black white or any other label you wish to stick on people. They who control us have us right where they want us, fighting amongst ourselves to divert attention from them. So the questions remains when Donald Trump referred to African leaders was he referring to government or was he referring to Business leaders that control this Corporation called South Africa The author with NO NAME therefore could have purposely misled the public. These are the same tactics they used to divide and rule us during Apartheid. Does not matter if ANC or DA become the government of the day, they will be ruled by the invisible government. The Corporate that control Corporate South Africa As for the USA and the elections held in that country it should be evident that every single election is rigged. whatreallyhappenedWRHARTICLESrigvote. html The USA the United Kingdom amongst many other countries are also corporations controlled by an invisible government. They have committed fraud beyond the imagination of man. Resulting in great pain and suffering by ordinary people like you and me. This invisible force controls global currency the media, institutions, religions and many facets of life. But DO NOT believe a word I say. Start doing your research and discover TRUTH youtubewatchv0VjCkk1nkig We have millions of great men and women from all over the world united to bring about peace and prosperity to all of creation. Why not use your energy toward a worthy cause that will rid you of SLAVERY South Africans should do the right thing and vote during 2016 Local Government Elections in SA. Vote Congress of the People. Reliable, Accountable, Incorruptable Not all African leaders is bad, I want to say that Namibian president Hage Geinkopf, Kaptein Hendrik Witbooi, Botswana president IAN Khama, they have build up countries from nothing, you must see the good quality roads, almost all the informal settlements in Namibia is gone, Namibia and Botswana was rated the safest countries in Africa, sitizens of these countries enjoy 6 months visa Free travel to the UK (only countries in Africa with that status) and economy is growing by almost 6 each year with a population just over 2 million each and very little resources, I think we should give a hand to these countries, but yet I do agree the rest of Africa needs serious help You are correct. Any African country that has one ethnic group that totally dominates the others numerically is rather stable. Look at Swaziland and Lesotho for other examples. And you correctly mention the small population numbers. We need to return to precolonial borders, not only in South Africa but in all of Africa. We need to return to having a Zululand, a Xhosaland (the Transkei) a Cape of Good Hope (Cape Republic) a Freestate Republic and a ZAR. Only then will there be relative peace and stability in southern Africa. The only thing worse than forced segregation is forced integration. There is no such thing as a South African we are Brit, Boer, Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, Tswana, Venda etc etc. This social experiment called South Africa is a failure and the quicker we all go our own way the better. 100 COULD NOT AGREE MORE IT IS ONLY TO SATISFY THE POWERS THAT BE IN THE WORLD THAT WE HAVE TO SUFFER WHAT WE HAVE TO RIGHT NOW8230IN TIME i HOPE WHAT YOU HAVE MENTIONED WILL BE REALISED BUT RIGHT NOW I AM CONCERNED HOW LOW THIS COUNTRY WILL HAVE TOGO BEFORE PEOPLE WAKE UP TOT HE FACT OF WHAT YOU HAVE SAIDMY PERSONAL ANSWER IS THAT WE WHITES AHVE TO SATRT THE PROCESS:secure. avaaz. orgenpetitionHeadoftheUnitedNationscallfortheselfdeterminationofwhiteSouthAfricanspreviewlive I am so glad that someone in the know from a foreign country, especially the USA, knows what the situation is in SA. In the early 808217s, the USA was one of the nations, that enforced sactions against SA, to change. They never imagined what the result would be in the long run. Now WE are sitting with the result. The BIG question is 8211 and I would so dearly like to have an answer 8211 8220What are YOU going to do about our situation in SA. It doesn8217t matter if you become the new president of the US or not. (If I could, I would have voted for you, based on what you said about SA.) You are a man the world is listening to and 8211 dare I say 8211 I wonder if the result would be positive, should sanctions be enforced on the present ANC government, to (at least) change their policies on affirmative action and BEE. A start would be to get rid of president Zuma and his government. During the early 19908217s some of us warned that you cannot just hand over power to a terrorist organisation and expect everything to be OK. These warnings were dismissed by the media as 8220right wing scare tactics8221 and the left repeatedly told us that heaven would descend upon us if we could only get rid of the white government. Now that our worst fears have realised, nobody is talking about 8220right wing scare tactics8221 anymore. And we are still waiting for heaven to arrive whilst we are sinking deeper and deeper into a black racist hell. Two things have gone terribly wrong since 1994: (i) mismangement, theft, fraud and corruption has become the culture of the ruling elite. Everybody seems to steal, from old 8216numba one8217 to the lowest clerk in the smallest municipality (ii) the ANC regime has adopted a racist ideology in terms of which they are now dispossessing the white people of everything they have. It started with jobs of white people. All appointments are to be based on race, not merit. Sports teams, from primary school to the national team, are to based on racial quotas rather than merit. The land owned by white people are taken away from them, especially farm land. It will not stop here. White people should realise that eventually all their property (including pensions) will be taken away from them in order to keep illiterate masses happy. The hatred towards whites reminds one of Nazism and Hitler, but what we dealing with is a terrible form of communism. And the liberals of the free west could not care less. Willem you are 100 correct. There had to be some sort of compromise eventually, that is a given. What has always concerned me was the total capitulation of the nats. There were many decent moderate black parties, organisations and leaders that we could have reached a compromise with, but instead fw decided to hand the lot over to mandela on a plate, without even a fight especially when you consider that the anc were a spent and defeated force by the late 19808217s. fw then assisted the anc in rebuilding and allowed them to intimidate and murder their way into a majority, hence fw had to wait until 1994 before he called elections. The reason was financial. mandela mortgaged the country to the chinese, then used some of that to bribe fw and his band of merry followers including pik. This has had massive ramifications on the country, right down to the poaching of our Rhinos, our oceans, the drug trade and even human trafficking. Anybody with even the slightest amount of intelligence, or who has read the anc8217s 8221freedom charter8221 would know they are are a party of thieves and criminals. They are interested in nothing but enriching themselves. The goings on today are proof of this. Apartheid happened for a reason and right now the reason is as clear as daylight. Racism is there for a reason too. No point sugar coating the facts any longer. There are huge differences between races and cultures. Us superior humans should take our own land and give the filthy, lazy, dumb, aggressive, over breeding hoards their own land. Let them regress back to where they belong and let us progress without having to baby the weaklings. Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, if needs be taken by the strong. I am strong, why should I not use my gift Why should I be dragged down by worthless hoards of scum No thanks. The world is getting wise to this bs again and soon there will be no big daddy white man to take all the blame and do all the providing anymore. The whites must leave SA so it can fall into disease and chaos. It will be the best shitshow on the planet. I am an elitist because I AM better. Whether you like it or not. Spoken like a true Realist to believe that we all the same, the difference being only a bit of pigment, is not only incorrect and false but is extremely naive There are vast differences in culture, attitudes, approach, life styles, diet, religion, development, evolution etc etc. that vary way too much to simply state that every biped in the world is the same person. In fact i don8217t even believe we are all the same species of hominid. We could however have learnt to live in peace if we learnt to respect each others differences and opinions etc etc. BUT this is not made possible due to the attitude of the anc and others who want to deprive us whites of everything we own and have created, under the guise of addressing the injustices of the past. They cannot create their own therefor they feel the need to take from those who can The same reason why half the 3rd world is trying to get to Europe and the USA. How many Europeans are clambering onto rickety old boats trying to get to Africa. How many Americans illegally cross the border into Mexico. We have become the victims of our own success. We developed the the civilised world as it is known today. Through sheer determination, hard work, planning and execution. Others never bothered, and yet now wish to benefit We need to prevent this or we will dragged down into the abyss with with them. To say that all humans are the same is as ridiculous as saying that all fish are the same simply because they all live under the sea The fact is, there is a lot of land. We do not have to live beside inferior races and cultures. However, because all they can achieve is chaos, murder, disease and filth, they naturally want to overrun the great places we have created thinking that by taking what we have created, they can own it. But filth eventually infects everything around it. Communism is dragging the elite groups down to the level of the unevolved barbaric groups so communism must be stopped and its supporters must be destroyed. It8217s happening all over the world where we are being forced to have tolerance for scum. Islam is scum too and we are being forced to tolerate them. No more. Trump is a start, a good one. Now is the time for the superior people of the world to have more children, multiply and start standing up against this Marxist agenda that is polluting the world. Blacks (thee majority, admittedly not all. See 8220Allen West Republic8221) will forever use excuses for their pathetic lives and behaviour. slavery and apartheid are a God sent to them because without it, they would save no excuses for the pollution their area to society. Blacks took more black slaves than whites ever did, but history is conveniently skewed to fit the Marxist agenda. In this world, weakness is praised and strength is demonised, the criminals are protected and the good people are oppressed, but I say celebrate strength and let8217s USE it. We should not tolerate this any longer. One good brain is worth a score of them so we do have a big fighting chance, people just have to find good leaders, like Trump, who are brave, brutal. intolerant and strong. What you are saying is the truth and its plain to see, but the truth has become illegal and racist in most countries. Political correctness is the most vile attack on common sense, freedom of speech and our basic human liberties. Of course no one wants to go to the countries of these human pollutants, not even they themselves so they are driving us into smaller and smaller spaces, like a cancer they spread and destroy all health, all that we hold dear, all that8217s beautiful. Please Lee, leave immediately. Don8217t threaten you8217ll leave. Simply leave. Well, you8217re a liar, you know, because you are having it good in this country. cheap labour of the blacks, and the continued exploitation of their labour and the stealing of the resources of this country by whites and your black friends. You8217re lucky we did not lop off your head for the crimes committed by your previous apartheid governmnet. If you never lived under apartheid or are not black in this country, you8217ll never ever know the crimes of apartheid and the continued arrogance of the whites in this country. Of course they still control the country, 80 percent. Please Lee, fuck off to Europe, aUSTRALIA, New Zealand Canada or wherever the hell you want to go to, and I8217ll be happy to go back to my cave and wear animal skins. Sick and tired of whites like you with a criminal record that you can never atone for. Fuck off and leave us alone with our low IQ and black skins and stupidity and backwardness and any negative thing you can call us. Please fuck off. Not tomorrow, now I know what why don8217t you fuck off back to the congo or where ever the loboko people came from north of us leave now not tomorrow but NOW Take your mangy cattle and goats with you leave in only your animal skins, bear foot, like you arrived here 200 years ago I am South African and my ancestors are South African. You8217re the one who8217s going to leave, and in a haste as well, and back to Germany, Russia or wherever your ancestors come from and join scumbags like Hitler. Stalin, and the other savages you8217re related to, you piece of shit. You8217d better do it quickly before you get your head lopped off or castrated. What Hitler did to your Jews will be like a picnic, you piece of white trash, when the time comes. Well i8217m waiting82308230..Remember the Battle of Blood River well part TWO is coming up and this time NO more Mr Nice Guy Your ancestors are South African. prove it I can prove over TWO THOUSAND years of WRITTEN history. You only learned to read and write from the White man You fucking ignoramus Sitting around the fire telling stories does not count i want to see written proof of when the leboko tribe crossed the Limpopo river into South Africa from the congo You must be a relative of Adolf HITLER, Vladimir Illiych Lenin and Joseph Stalin, the arch criminals of the twentieth century, and they were whites murdering millions upon millions of their own white people in Europe. I guess Hitler and Stalin were better, as you claim, for killing innocent people of their own race. How do you expalin this, Lee. Sure, as a white person you must know why these said leaders were annihilating millions of their own race or people. So I8217m not surprised that you can say what you say about people of a different race from yours. Black people who rant about the attitude of the white towards blacks should only look at what the whites did in Europe throughout history. Europe is awash with the blood of innocent people. If you read the history of the Roman Inquisiton, you8217ll be appalled at the bahaviour of these so called civilized people. I8217m not at all surprised by the attitude of people like Lee. The First and the Second world wars are a classical example of what these people are capable of. Did you know. for example that the Rostchilds and other people known to be Jews were the ones who helped Hitler built his Wermacht and the ovens in which the Jewish people were roasted to death These were the deeds of the most so called civilized people, strong people as Lee puts it. So the sooner you live South Africa, the better. I can do better without people with your criminal mentality. You talk about scum It takes a scum to know another, especially with what people of your race has been doing in Europe throughout history. Lee, I don8217t want people like you next to my children. You8217re a monster and you8217d better leave or kill us all we the blacks as Hitler did and STALIN SO THAT you can enjoy yourself together with those of your ilk. You8217re not human, but a savage, as plainly say. Go screw yourself you piece of SCUMBAG. The entire world is being pushed towards a Marxist agenda, Communism is rife all over the world and it must be destroyed and all communistssocialists should be elliminated. The world needs total cleansing from this filth. Lee, you8217re a mental case. You must be admitted to a mental hospital. And let me make this clear, when I speak of human pollutants and inferiors, I speak of anyone who is pathetic and weak with socialist or communist ideals. I dispise left wing and socialist anything. It must be cleansed from the world. Black, white, pink, whatever the colour. However, There are a small minority of very realistic and strong blacks who do not want to be treated like little weak babies and who are not worthless barbaric scum, I believe they are superior just like me. For example Allen West from Allen West Republic. However, no one with Islamic ideals should be allowed anywhere outside of their own Arabic or middle Eastern countries, no Muslims should be tolerated anywhere because as long as they follow their scriptures, they have intentions to overtake the world and force us into their religion. Ok yes it is good that other people see what is happening in South Africa but so far all comments on here have been rasist even the ones not intended to be. we live in a society where race is held high instead of integrity and Morrell, i have been robed by white people i have been robed by black people, yes the ANC has tried to push the 8220white man 8221 out of thr land but we cannot hold and entire race accountable for one groups idiocy, the same as not all white people are to blame for apartheid, what many forget is that in that time there where many white people who fought to end it as well, in conclusion there are white racists there are black racists, there are white uneducated people and there are black uneducated peoples. the only difference between us is colour and that means nothing, instead of fighting for one race to have equality we need to stand together as one race the African race not meaning black white Indian or coloured. and together we should fight for our country and get rid of leader8217s that use the system not for the good of the people but for their own gain, our country is a beautiful one but we are allowing some outdated argument over shit destroy it. And yes trump may have called it out but he was also the one who wants to build a wall. that is pure hypocrisy and people need to see that to. And for me as a 19 year old to see such stupidity from our elder generation, it is highly disappointing in actual fact. yes we need to stop the farm murders but the only way to do so is by educating those who believe the liars running our country and opening their eyes to see that it will not change anything and only create more violence and hate. I can see you are only 19. You will still learn that colour is not the reason for racism, it8217s what8217s beneath the skin. The skin colour and look is only an indication of the nature of the human. You see it everywhere in nature. Yes, some tigers are tamed and nice but they are the minority. you will never approach an untamed tiger because you know, from the way that it looks, that it is a tiger and it will kill you. Because it is it8217s NATURE. Same with humans. Yes, there are a few good black ones and a few good Muslims, but those are the exception and not the rule. The peaceful majority minority does not count. The apartheid scapegoat will never ever leave, just look at America8230 So long after slavery, it8217s still being blamed for everything, even recently when two black men raped a pregnant white woman and shot her execution style. No remorse. Barbaric. Savagery. Long before apartheid, almost my entire family of ancestors where murderded in one night by Zulus. They do not kill like us either, they rape and torture in the most savages way8230 Babies, women8230 No matter to them, but I guess you know nothing of farm murders. The boy who was drowned in boiling water by those savaged THATS WHY THERE WAS APARTHEID. We are not the same, no matter how hard the socialists and the communists try and brainwash the youth and no matter how much you try and be an apologist for their savagery, the fact remains, you are a hundred times more likely to be Raped, robbed and murderded by a black person than a white. It8217s math and it can be seen world wide. There will always be an evolutionary gap between us. Some can be trained to be civilised, but the hoards are the problem. Just to add, the way you feel about black people, they do not feel the same about you, even the nicest ones hate you. I have never seen Blacks fighting for white rights and I do not thinks Ill ever see it in my lifetime. These comments are hilarious. First, none of you pink demons can ever be an African. Ever Second, your pasty satanic race needs to be exterminated from Africa. Third, none of you were interested in freedom, justice, the plight of the pooroppressed, crime etc. when you were raping, pillaging, terrorizing and enslaving your way across the continent. The time will come when the white people will stand up and fight. if the blacks want i civil war they will get it Eric de la Vega de Castro Elizabeth, The Queen Mother (1900 2002), once said about Africa: Poor darlings the Africans just dont know how to govern themselves its just not their form. What a pity were not still looking after them. She was sooo right 8220most White men had army training and work as a team8221 There is zero unity among white people and we surely do not have any military background. Flip what do you guys think we do on weekends Plan military tactics and hunt black people No we try and spend time with our families and friends, the same as you and any other human being on this planet. Damn dude, we8217re not walking killing machines you know. Edit: Oh and BTW, you should have paid attention in history class, there have been wars between black and white people. There is no point in repeating history and unnecessary bloodshed. I commented on Yesu8221s post. DON8217T be judgemental on a single reply. War doesn8217t solve problems, it8217s total distruction. Shouldn8217t even be mentioned as an option Astrid my first comment was directed at you hence me quoting your post. My comment at the end about war was directed at Yesu. Sorry for not making that clear. Please name ONE colonial power who is borrowing and name ONE Zionist who is the lender and please explain what a Banking cartel is and name them. Who is the boss of the cartel. Which Bank does he represent And going back to your intro.8211which African leader is a Zionist puppet. And to which colony does he belong Mahomed Saleem Moorad are u stupid ALL of them are part of the same system. the ONLY countries that are not, are those countries that the west attacked recently or wants to attack: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Yemen, Somalia. those countries DID NOT have a Rothschild controlled reserve bank system until AFTER they were attacked amp the regime was changed or the west is still trying to attack them and change things. as far as Zionist lenders, the IMF amp BIS are controlled by Zionist Jewish bankers. No1 is the Rothschild banking family. so u could say they are the Bosses. ALL African leaders where there is NO war have puppet leaders, even here in South Africa: ABSA bank has Barclays of England as the majority shareholder amp NM Rothschild is the majority shareholder of Barclays. so Rothschilds own ABSA. i dont know if u are just stupid or u are a Zionist Jew who is up to your usual mischief. Yo msm To quote you : 8216ALL African leaders where there is NO war have puppet leaders82308221 I have read a lot of bovine residue but your statement take the cake 8212sorry dung. and. And stating if I am 8220a stupid or a Zionist Jew who is up to usual mischief 8221 What you point re stupid or Zionist Jew or usual mischief. You are either a nutter trying to appear an intellectual or a twisted lunatic. it is sad that a debate has been reduced to insults, but it only shows where you fit in in this world. I will not be responding to you any more, as it only wastes air and energy The author is quite correct for a change. It is refreshing to hear this from the new President of the USA, WHO UP TO NOW HAVE TURNED A BLIND EYE I assume you are referring to black South Africans right Because they be the racist ones82308230.. As an ex-South African growing up with apartheid, as children we weren8217t really even aware that apartheid existed until after 1994. I think many white children then were ignorant living in white areas. I remember we would drive past a school for blacks close to our area and for us it was normal that whites goes here and blacks goes there. I don8217t think I ever heard my parents speak ill of blacks. My mom worked at the Ok with some of them. Anyway, perhaps it was not perfect, but there were peace and prosperity at least and there were no attacks on whites like today. I am not saying I condoned apartheid, but things are worse today. In those days the whites knew how to invent, they build the Koeberg power station, they build the dams, infrastructure, had medical breakthroughs like Chris Hannie8217s first heart transplant in the world. He was the front runner in that regards. Yes, the black people did contribute otherwise who would have helped build our buildings and roads, and we are grateful for them. I would go back but not until we see the equality they claim to have. Anyway, this has nothing to do with America and what America needs right now, and I can not even phantom the idea that he would bring this up let alone even be knowledgeable enough to talk about it. Yes, I agree with you8230. Africa is not a place for whites now8230 I grew up in Rhodesia, and we didn8217t know any different until I left school8230 we had a war going in, but essentially people were happy8230 my mom taught me to respect all people black and white8230 my mom also worked at the OK8230. personally I would never go back, but I a man also disillusioned with life in the western world8230 people complain about what black leaders are doing in SA, but they do the same in Australia, so many dishonest politicians governing for the corporations and not for the people8230 life is complicated here, much more complicated than it needs to be8230 Chris Hannie performed the 1st heart trnsplant. It8217s no wonder that you knew bugger all that was going on around you LOLOLO

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